A lot of the characters have this pose, male and female, not even all of them having the “using their sexuality” excuse like they put out there for Widow. Why is it suddenly a problem with Tracer when Mercy has the same pose?
A lot of the characters have this pose, male and female, not even all of them having the “using their sexuality” excuse like they put out there for Widow. Why is it suddenly a problem with Tracer when Mercy has the same pose?
I dunno, I’m pretty sure if you lined up all the stuff each side has done your going to find a whole lot worse stuff on the side of the perpetually outraged. Whole lot of assault, vandalism, bomb threats, and stupid protets on that side.
Ah yes the classic “NO U!” rebuttle. Very convincing.
Bliz removed a harmless comment about a female monk having great posture or some such after someone complained on the forums about it being ‘creepy’. So I wouldn’t be surprised if some sector of the internet came down hard on them over this and they changed it.
Thats nice and all but that’s not the form of Curie that I would be most interested in in upgrading.
One thing i dont like about kickstarter is the lack of any way to pay via paypal or such. Everytime a kickstarter comes up that is in euros or such i can’t actually back it without several calls to the bank to okay a foreign transaction.
Looks on par with the figures of her which also are pantsless.
Because nothing could go wrong with publicly humiliating short tempered gamers.
I’m not going to hate on the mod but personally I don’t have any desire to be conflicted about being slightly aroused by an alien snake monster that wants to kill me.
had to look it up but wow yeah that sounds really similar.
When it comes to translation there is a fine line between doing it word for word and doing it in a way that works with the language your translating it to. A simple word misplaced or misused can drastically change the meaning and mood presented.
Game that was already for everyone is now for everyone.
Debatable. It gets muddy when talking about M2F or F2M transgender folk when you also throw in terminology like AMAB and AFAB because if its simply an assignment there would be nothing to transition towards.
All hail the glorious PC master race and it’s modding scene.
Honestly im guessing the people who announced it just forgot. I mean it was a big thing but at the same time a year seems like its longer and longer these days given how fast things move, especially on the internet. It’s not unreasonable to have forgotten, nor is it unreasonable for some people to think its not…
Lower quality due to having to spread resources across multiple platforms usually resulting in any ports off the main development platform being even less quality than that.
Some nerds have a tendancy to be super anal about accuracy. So a black person cosplaying a white or asian character sets off all their little rage switches.
Depends on if there is an API for it and how well its made. For example Minecraft has no API and the mods for it basically came about by reverse engineering parts of it and then later through Forge which was basically made the same way but provides an API for the game by doing so.
And that sexist armor! Boob plate and bikini mail! Obviously they were forced into doing this by some misogynists looking to oogle them with their dreaded “Male Gaze”. No woman would ever willingly design let alone wear that! These women and the men behind them are pushing women out of the fandom!
Yes because fans of a group of anthromorphic animals totally shouldn’t be classified with the larger group label that defines fans of anthromorphic animals.