
Yeah that is the problem with their claims of pure intentions. They put claims against stuff that clearly wasn’t infringing on their format but seemingly just because they figured the other person was small enough to bully around.

Why would women want to pay for a periphrial to give them a less satisfying fuck than any of the millions of types of dildos and vibes they could buy and do a much better job themselves?

To be fair, running around doing dangerous super hero stuff while pregnant makes her seem super unlikeable. I mean forget smoking or doing drugs. That is a whole new level of irresponsibility.

If some dumbass can camp the word Edge for years I’m not sure what hope we have of stopping this.

Because not trying to create controvery out of a mundane thing is financial suicide to gaming journalism these days.

“we really didn’t have much to go on.” But this didnt stop anyone from going on and on about how horrible a character she was and how inventing her was a crime against both gamers and women simultaniously.

I have zero interest in Anime porn or video game porn in general. I’m still against censorship. A lot of people are. censorship in any form is vile.

How did they win if games are still getting censored? Specifically due to complaints from the people they were arguing with that they supposedly won against?

Seriously. Stop putting quotation marks around the word censorship. Its an immature attempt to distance yourself from the content like a 8 yo old would cooties or their vegetables. It devalues your entire opinion.

I’ve basically given up on this game. It seems like it will never get out of development and the people who have actually played it gave the impression that it was no where remotely what they were expecting

Thank you tumblr for making a controversy based off a bad translation into a huge toxic shitstorm that ended up with nintendo censoring some shit to avoid cretins from being offended over nothing. You truly are the crap that keeps on smelling.

Left Shark was pretty common even before the patched rate. Which is probably why its so crazy right now.

Fuck i was going to say that. It looked exactly like nuts and bolts from the screens i saw and people HAaaaated that game but seem to love this one

I found Syndicate to only be mildly interesting, which is a shame because I love the location and time period but i felt like it was under used really. The big bad this time around had character but it felt really.. insufficent. In fact a lot of the characters didn’t feel like they had enough to them. Thorne was good

That looks like it would get annoying quickly.

Hmm I will have to keep an eye on this one. On one hand It looks interesting but i heard talk of the storyline getting majorly screwed up by questionable content edits, meme inserts, and Snidly Whiplash tier villainy.

I sure hope not. You could get a real doll for a lot less than that.

Yeah agreeing to meet with him after that point is a huge red flag. I don’t think thats unjustified worries at all.

Suppose its good for developers. Bad for any future archival, but we never were making much progress in legally archiving this stuff anyways from what i remember.

Well shoot. I literally got a c920 yesterday. Granted im not sure i would have wanted a 200 dollar webcam, but it still stings knowing that I was 1 day behind having the option.