
"here is a well reasoned rebuttle of many of the most popular arguments raised" Article tackles 3 and fails to rebut any of them.

Its key scene, which opponents of the game's content would frequently cite, involves the scantily-clad Lisa being set upon by a number of "Augers" (the sci-fi vampire villains). It led to accusations that Night Trap somehow encouraged people to attack vulnerable women, despite the fact the player's job was to save the

A much better method than some developers have used in the past. I know the Titan Quest guys got bit in the ass by their anti piracy measure. If you pirated the game once you left a cave near the beginning of the game, the game would CTD. Word spread that the game was a buggy mess because it was a small dev and there

I am unsurprised to see Phil Fish and Tim Schafers names missing from the list considering they were both harassing people. If they do sign it will be the funniest thing Phil ever did.

This need to be required to read every time you go to reblog something on tumblr

Oh god the responses. It's clear from your post you figured it was supposed to be like a space for gay gamers and as a straight person didn't figure you were invited to what you assumed was a safe space. But way to go guys totes assume the worst possible thing about them.

Article title pretty much can describe almost any popular game on the app store

This is kind of stupid on their part. There is no way they can seriously be ignoring the success of the virtual consoe on nintendo devices. Ps3 was great but ps1 and ps2? That had some real classics that you can't just ignore. And super low cost to emulate. Super low bandwidth to stream verses 720p or whatever the ps3

Was just wondering about this the other day. Kind of surprised it went under, they actually showed off the engine and build mechanics working early on.

What is there to reboot? it's not like there was some indepth story going on here. Given how bad D3 and Rage were all they are going to manage with naming Doom 4 just "Doom" is make people qualify them differently.

It's not his job to start a larger conversation on the subject or really do anything for the public. Really it would be more creepy than anything if someone accused of rape went "hey you know, what is consent REALLY anyways".

Reminds me of a quote from Scrubs "Statistics are meaningless to the individual"

How long till someone comes along and says the song is racist I wonder.

I just want them to finally use the karazhan crypts.

Remember when a bunch of Playstation exclusive titles like MGS, Final Fantasy, GTA and the like started coming to the Xbox and the Sony fans felt betrayed but the Xbox fans just said to stop whining and suck it up?

If were talking large networks that run hundreds of servers... shouldn't that be their out for this? "Were not charging for gameplay functions, were charging for access to the servers that each have different game modes/maps and using a hub server that is free to access for user simplicity. I mean Notch said you

This.. pretty much shuts down the outrage full stop then. Or it would if people actually were aware of it. It seems like everyone is expecting the normal MP mode thats been in the previous AC games and that its only going to have a male roster. Ubi has obviously done female assassins in the past with AC:Lib and female

Really? I like the contoller and all but the speaker in the controller never really struck me as anything very good. It suffices to emit regonizable noises sure but not accurate sounding ones. Unless i got a dud

Granted i'm no expert but I would think so long as the armor prevents the bullets from piercing or ricocheting them... anywhere but inwards then it would work just fine? It doesn't /need/ them but it also doesn't need paint. The window to the arc reactor is and always has been a much bigger issue in terms of

These specific mods? Dunno. But its happened with other games that had online components so it's worth mentioning as a risk.