
I would assume he's not suggesting that it would be unlocked on your account forever. Simply that you stick the disc in like any other game, and as long as the disc is in you can play that game.

Honestly I would rather just link this to a couple of my feminist friends so we can all just shake our heads sadly at what a perverted mess of bullshit some people believe. I'm seriously glad that your wave of feminism seems to be dying off in favor of one that doesn't have it's head so firmly planted up it's rear.

No. Just.. no.

Okay while I agree that their should be more female representation in video games and that Gears could easily have a female protaganist, complaining about the "women existing to make babies" part of the lore is.. stupid.

It's hard to feel sorry for GB when they outsourced it to a studio that's known for being crap and then decided to turn around and release it for full price while still letting everyone think it was as good as the demo they showed was. Hell I think the steam screenshots still show dynamic lights and other crap in

I thought the transitions in the begining were somewhat jarring, but then I realized they were actually perfect and clever for what was going on at the time. I think the movie could have been a smidge longer, but overall all the gripes i had about it the first time around kinda melted away when I watched it again.

Thinking back. Didn't most of Deus Ex's problems result from sections they outsourced too? Really I think you can outsource if you are careful about who you pick.. But picking some random jerkoffs is going to result in a high chance of crap results. I mean really picking the guys who made Section 8? That was their

You have to admit their is a marked difference between fighting off a monster with a pipe or camera and fighting them off with a rotating plasma cutter able to slice off limbs. Or the ability to freeze them in place while your doing it. In Sh1 and the Fatal Frame series you "survived" encounters with enemies. In the

Okay so like.. Guy buys a game for 60 bucks. He beats it and trades it in. What does he likely do with that 35 bucks or whatever crap price he got for it? He buys a new game. Now if he buys a used copy then your right, hes added nothing to the cycle. However if he bought a new copy of the prior game in the first place

Yeah.. I know it comes off as elitist and what not but whenever I hear someone calling DS1 or 2 "horror" or worse yet "Survival Horror" I just kinda shake my head silently ashamed of/pittying them. DS has always been a shooter, it's always been 'kinda' action-y.

Basically. Even if Patricia wouldn't admit it. She went line by line down what makes someone a cam whore and basically showed that outside of the idea that they make a lot of money off it it's pretty much 'a thing'.

They said the same thing about the 360, and the last two Sony consoles. I'll get my torches and pitchforks ready when it actually happens.

I'd love to see this hit American shores. DQ7 was the last one of the series I actually enjoyed.

As long as you don't get any achievements or unlocks for playing in VE, why not?

A couple years ago I would have laughed and said "Only four?" Sadly real life slows one down.

I thought the first one was very good and I loved the world and combat. The 2nd.. not as much. It added on far to much stuff I could have lived without and felt cumbersome at times. It wasn't horrible.. but it also wasn't grand. I think the series could be salvaged however so It would be nice to see it go to

Its the magical force of "women doing what they want to with their lives" It's a force that sometimes unfortunately is in direct opposition of "Women doing what other people want them to do with their lives so that someones excel sheet of equality looks better"

It means disagreeing with the current vocal majority of women in the discussion, even if you are a woman yourself. Except then then its 'internalized'. Having a dick while you do it is entirely optional nowadays, so score one for equality I guess.

"The fact is that you, nobody you know, and nobody they know is going to be falsely accused of rape" I know several people who have. Me personally? No, because let's face it no one is going to believe made up rape charges against a woman, they barely believe real rape charges against a woman. But I know several guys

Yes. 5 guys getting charges of rape against them dropped after proving the woman way lying via a video tape is nonsense someone made up. All the other instances of people having charges dropped due to video or audio proving consent are made up. In fact no one ever lies about this stuff ever. It's all just nonsense