On the other hand... http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/09/17/danmell-ndonye-hofstra-ra_n_290484.html Consent is important. Being able to prove consent might be even more important for the person secretly taping.
On the other hand... http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/09/17/danmell-ndonye-hofstra-ra_n_290484.html Consent is important. Being able to prove consent might be even more important for the person secretly taping.
The lesson to be learned here is that if your going to have a dismembered female torso as part of your collectors edition, damn well make sure it's covered up!
Thing is.. They did tell us back when all this first came out that we would not have to "pay to gay" and that the romances would be there for all players. This was before it went F2P however. Still I can see why people would be upset.
I was about to crap on this tech as being pointless. But now I actually want to see it. If they could pull it off..
I dunno. Toby and Pews whore themselves out pretty blatantly. Ton's of people call them out on that all the time. A lot of the youtube lets players aren't exactly well loved for the way they make a living off of catchphrase shirts and other stupid crap.
Ah yes, the Victim Blamer Shamer. The person so concerned with protecting women that they advocate strongly against anyone telling women how to prepare to protect themselves. The staunchly concerned person who thinks it's terrible to teach women how to avoid danger and by implication indicates that being attacked is a…
Nope and she's been banning her backers from the forums for asking when she will actually release anything. Meanwhile she's riding the pitty train to fame town based upon the notion that she somehow despite claiming to facing hate and adversity every day, anon threats and hate were able to pierce her apparently very…
DDO seems like a horrible example. Most the stuff you got for free when the game was retail and sub is now behind a pay wall. Its got pay to win boosts out the ass. The few things you /can/ unlock by passively earning turbine points in game take ages to unlock that way. Some are only affordable if you horde the points…
I'm... confused. Wasn't it pretty well established that Cho wasn't a gamer of any sort and that was just shit Thompson made up because hes a loon?
I have I can count the times ive seen the term cis used in a non attacking and hostile way on my fingers. Saying it /could/ be reappropriated by people as an attack is a bit out of date. It's been largely used as an attack for what feels like ages now.
It's basically a term transgendered people came up with in an attempt to make people who identify with the same gender as their biological sex feel bad.
Anita is sex neg and anti porn who has built a reputation off bashing the media for its portray of women. One doesn't need to have her videos come out to guess what she is going to say about gaming. This isn't an excuse for what happened to her. I'm simply saying that acting like she is going to bring anything new to…
I would rather play like a lady than a gent. Pissing off all the guys with a double barrel of trash talk and being beaten by a girl. Acting civilized is for when the headset comes off and the game is closed. In game I'm going to see how close I can get someone to rage quitting without actually doing it, so they are…
If you can't keep up with or stand trash talk, stay out of the online matches. That's for any game. Pissing someone off so much that they keep making mistakes is just part of the strategy. The only people who should be banned are the ones who start bawling because of how bad they are being beaten.
My only problem with this is that every time I see this kind of stuff (been done many times before but not nearly with this much attention) it always seems to devolve if not start off as trying to make a point by exploiting straight men's general discomfort with effeminate males. Which.. seems kind of crappy towards…
This is basically how I thought the move controller would end up in the first place. or if not at start soon after launch. Well not exactly. The design I had in my head would fold and latch together with the orbs hidden on the underside of the controller. But this isn't far off.
I really love it when people assume I'm a man when I dis modern feminism for being full of crap. It's like they totally gloss over things like where I mention I used to be a feminist, involved n the movement and other little details like, oh I dunno, me being a woman.
apologies. I forgot to mention that Koss also counted raped that occured before their college years were also counted as having been raped while at college. So you know. More BS.
ooh yeah no. No there are huuuge issues with the 1 in 4 campaign. Namely it's built on a lie that even the person who built the foundation for that lie admits is a lie.