Yeah, he should be wrestling with the guys. Like he wants to.
Yeah, he should be wrestling with the guys. Like he wants to.
What exactly do you think she should have done? Please explain. Hillary Clinton is no longer an elected official. Would you have felt better if she waded into the middle of it, only to get shit on again by the Bernie Bros, the Jill Stein true believers, every media outlet, and those who have been insulting, demeaning…
the wall was just a metaphor
This is the basic response I’ve been seeing from the can’t-let-it-go Bernie supporters, crying WHY ISN’T HILLARY FIGHTING FOR US NOW????
She doesn’t have to save us, because we failed her. We bought into nearly three decades of shit levied against her and her family. She bought into it to the degree that she thought that if she played along she’d be fine. But then politicians had to be “cool”.
Right? How dare she take some time to mourn her loss, figure out what she wants to do next, and recover like a human fucking being? She should have put on a cape and some boots and swept in IMMEDIATELY. What a selfish bitch she is.
Give HER a fucking break. I’ve fucking had it with churlish, compassion-free lefties…
She just ran in a grueling and ultimate devastating Presidential campaign. I’m willing to cut her some slack. Also people would definitely be playing the poor loser card and how dare she question the integrity of the election if she spoke out too much. She has to walk a very fine line.
Dictators have been elected. Hitler, obviously, is the prime example. Stalin was elected through the normal state mechanisms and he was also a dictator. The list goes on, but I assume you get the point. Dictatorial authority is not inconsistent with normal constitutional mechanisms for elections and pathways to…
“It just shows that obviously Clinton’s base is people who really don’t care that much about winning the election, or else they’d be doing something other than trying to defend her at this point.”
And Bernie himself, not just his bros. Bernie continued his primary campaign to appease his rabid supporters, at the expense of the party nominee.
I love the people still whining about being called “BernieBros” as if the nickname was some evil Clinton machination communicated from the top and repeated only by campaign operatives - instead of a legitimate outpouring of frustration at the white male foot-stamping contingent who responded to any mention of HRC’s…
You voted 3rd party didn’t you? And spent the entirety of the primaries portraying Hillary Clinton as a bond villain.
Right. Because what really mattered is that she didn’t campaign to white working class voters in MI, and let’s just ignore that she campaigned hard in PA and still lost that one. And let’s all ignore that analysis of media reports found she was only covered negatively and her policy positions never covered, that…
I love this idea that even if people knew what was at stake, the fact that someone didn’t come gladhand with them was enough to give it over to the shit weasel who did. “By golly, he may be a terrible person with terrible policies but at least he visits.” Jesus, is the rust belt populated by nothing but mothers and…
Sarandon is entitled to her opinion, as much as you would love to censor her.
What irks me about Bernie is he purposefully spent his entire career spurning the Democrat label despite caucusing and voting with Democrats the overwhelming majority of the time. He purposefully marginalized himself within the Democratic Party by refusing to identify as a Democrat. But then he comes out of nowhere…
Ugh, this isn’t Bernie kicking off a campaign for 2020, right? He’s too old?
I wonder what runs through her head while Trump’s administration unfolds?
“Bitch I Told U: A Series of Short Essays By Hillary Clinton”
I wonder what runs through her head while Trump’s administration unfolds? I think history will be very kind to her. I understand politics is ugly, but the ways she has been smeared over the years is so vile.