You know what, Dems, I’ll believe it when I see it.
You know what, Dems, I’ll believe it when I see it.
And she let her husband cheat on her. What a bitch.
She didn’t smile enough! She smiled too much! She was too aloof! We can’t have a beer with her! She doesn’t eat KFC!
I was feeling fired up/ready to go from the march, but THIS shit?
The UK will never leave the EU.
And there’s no way Donald Trump will win the Republican nomination!
And never until now has it had an actual chance at succeeding.
I think my favorite moment during the march was listening to the man behind me very matter of factly explaining to his 7- or 8-year-old son that they were marching because a lot of people discriminate against women just because they’re women and one of those people is our new president and it’s important to speak out…
Let’s pump the brakes and consider what it means to expect and demand the first and only black president to be responsible for saving us from every single thing.
HOW DARE HE NOT BE BARACK THE MAGICAL NEGRO WIZARD. What is this, even? What the fuck was he supposed to do? Every option I can think of involves pretty much civil war with the armed-wackadoodle class, and that’s a whole lot of bloodshed I personally would like to not see.
The majority of White People.
She should also steal your reproductive system for the good of the world.
How fucking dare she?! I bet she was going to use the force of law to steal your guns, religious freedom, homophobia, islamophobia and misogyny too.
I’m curious about two things.
Hillary Clinton is not ‘anyone’. This isn’t Sarah Palin looking out her back window. This is an accomplished lawyer and politician who manage to get effective work done for the people of the US.
Joseph Smith used this exact same strategy to start the entire Mormon religion.
It was set low for Trump. All he had to do was not call Hillary a bitch during a debate and “oh my God he’s becoming Presidential!” Meanwhile, Hillary gets nailed for smiling too much.
Beatable? Tell that to all the Republican front-runners he steamrolled over to get the nomination.
If he thought Drexel was stupid to criticize his tweet, then why did he delete it? He should have left it up.