
Watching too much Conway absolutely kills brain cells. Watching Maddow face off with a Conway or any of that ilk is usually high entertainment.

It’s not at all the same, but at the same time... I’m not quite sure how to say this.

Jensen Ackles

Literally trolling from his mother’s basement. Beautiful.

I don’t hate white people (people are people, after all) but I hate the construct of whiteness that leads (many) people who look like me to have feelings of entitlement. Personally I don’t feel I’m any more entitled to food, shelter, or basic human dignity than a Syrian refugee, but because of the way history has

It’s Moops

Newsflash; people who can’t tell they’ve been conned surprised when it turns out they’ve been conned.

He has a dick, they won’t care.

Because that is what we do now. We can’t let people do anything good in this world without sifting through their past to find a reason to vilify them.

but noteworthy nonetheless.

We call that Freedom Foam.

What the fuck do they think racism is if this isn’t it?

She can be mad at whatever she wants. Sit. Down.

I’m very disappointed with Bernie’s responses and nearly broke my tv and remote the other morning when Michael Moore was going on about poor misunderstood white men.

Yes, that’s the real problem with society. That we are “too PC”. Not that 50% of American just proved that they are virulently racist. Priorities! /s

I think they like to think they are worse off. It’s kind of a leading question for a population that feels the world is against them because they aren’t on the top alone anymore.

She won the popular vote. I’m not blaming her.

A pox on the houses of all the pseudo-intellectual Andrew Sullivan-esque grifters who wrote intellectually lazy screeds about the white working class being ignored, all in order to deflect from the simple fact that a plurality of their tribe thinks Trump is just swell.

Remember the bird landing on the podium and people acting like he was snow fucking white? 

Yeah I fucking hate this narrative that everyone is holding their nose while voting for her. If you are fine but don’t erase our existence or make us feel like we shouldn’t feel excited. Fuck that.