
As I have said repeatedly on these threads for the past week or so, he can transition from “a candidate” to “an advocate”. He doesn’t need to sabotage the actual nominee by refusing to concede, in order to “advocate” for issues that matter to him. There is not only one way to do things, campaign as a candidate or

I begin to see why you want Bernie to stay in the race, because you want to stay in this thread for the next 5 months with nothing to add. Like a barnacle on a ship.

The point is he’s no longer pushing her to the left. The way elections work, and have worked forever, is that during the primary candidates time d to hew towards the more extreme positions of their party and then shift more moderate during the primary. Any move Clinton made to the left was made when Sanders was still

My son has severe short term memory problems. He was a younger teen when Finding Nemo came out. This and Memento are two of his favorite movies. His memory isn’t as bad as the characters, it is still pretty severe. He says they got it right in terms of describing how it feels. It may be annoying to see in a movie, but


The husband’s lover.

“Mother May I Sleep With Bat Boy?” on Lifetime.

What strikes me the most is that he accomplished all that while remaining eminently dignified and humane. I will miss his grace and graciousness.

Nope. Plenty of other prisoners face all that and years behind bars. This fucker is the poster child for needing a long sentence. Did you read his statement to the court? He blames Stanford, alcohol and slutty women. Not a single thing in his proclamation was about his personal responsibility.

The ribeye turns to ashes in his mouth.

Oh god no, he might never have an appetite for steak ever again. : * (

Yes it is. I've seen universally positive coverage of this tweet. Also, it's not like people aren't talking about those emails anyway.

Melania, go back to reading Plastic Surgery Today. No one cares what you think.

And trump is genuine?


I’m waiting for someone else to say Yay, Hillary! so that they can shoulder the brunt of the anger and conspiracy theories.

In less than a month it will have been 240 years since America declared its independence and this country began. In those 240 years there has not been a single woman as a presidential nominee of a major party. ABOUT GODDAMN TIME.

don’t forget the King.

What the hell is wrong with every person in convicted rapist, Brock Turner’s life?