
You visibly think highly of yourself. But if you took a step back and re-read your replies as well as not_productive’s replies, you’d realize not_productive makes efforts to politely explain their point of view while you more or less subtly insult them in each of your replies as if everything they wrote was the most

I have to say, “He no longer enjoys a ribeye” is not a rape defense I saw coming.

No. But I do think a decent human could refrain from calling his kid raping an unconscious woman next to a dumpster “20 minutes of action.”

There’s a difference between “being on his side” and “being a narcissistic arsonist who just dumped napalm on a fire that was about to go out.”

I can, but it took some heavy processing.

The same father who instilled in his son values and taught him that an unconscious woman is his for the taking? Yeah, I could see that apple falling from that tree.

Every time I hear that “sexual promiscuity” phrase in regards to this case, I feel like it’s blaming the victim once again. No way does Brock or his father believe Brock was promiscuous. They believe the victim was. It infuriates me.

No problem with him being on his kid’s side. Kind of a huge problem with him ISSUING A STATEMENT when his kid just got a criminally lenient sentence. Just shut the fuck up, let your kid serve his six months, and be grateful the world still revolves around privileged white guys.

Perhaps the father who raised this piece of shit human should have spent at least 20 minutes teaching his child that rape is a crime. Perhaps he should have spent 20 minutes explaining to his son that his boner and hormones do come before the life of another person. Fuck, is there is no limit to Our societies disdain

20 minutes out of a life is actually a really long time to violate someone when you consider that you can kill in seconds. Time isn’t indicative of harm.

I’m so tired of this story in every single way.

My comment was directed at Deuter’s words, not Heard’s behavior. It was hyperbole, certainly, but my intention was to say that he is making it more difficult for her to walk away, and easier for Depp to continue the abuse.

Ugggh I forgot I’m still in the grays! I just wanted to leave this here:

Oh, look, more evidence of Amber’s abuse people won’t admit as legit because they think Gone Girl is the most common scenario in society, instead of an entitled angry addict becoming violent towards a woman. Now it makes sense why she was carrying her laptop while leaving her lawyer’s office. Wonder who will get the

When did paying people for their work become “anti business?”

I'm sure they are objective volunteer security guards.

Nope, it’s that people compartmentalize their lives. That means we’re sweet to some and shitty to others and the ones receiving the sweet treatment can’t be relied on to know what’s going on with the others. His daughter’s doing nothing wrong and no one is suggesting she is and using some weaksauce “agency” argument

If abusers always acted like shitbags they wouldn’t be able to find anyone to abuse. No one would date them

The problem with constantly mentioning Rolling Stone and Duke is they indicate how rare false allegations are. People always mention these same few cases over and over to show that false allegations happen. But when you consider that tens of thousands of domestic violence incidents and rapes are reported to police

That young lady is a tearing beauty.