Hearing about how NY should have gone to him because he won more counties was so infuriating. Sure, but in a lot of those counties cows outnumber people (I grew up in one, I should know). Sorry, people count, not landmass.
Hearing about how NY should have gone to him because he won more counties was so infuriating. Sure, but in a lot of those counties cows outnumber people (I grew up in one, I should know). Sorry, people count, not landmass.
Clinton leads by 3 million popular votes and 280 delegates (the mortal, non-super kind). According to 538 there are indeed 10 more contests that Sanders supporters can, and should, vote their hearts out in. I’m sure winning California did wonders for Hillary’s self esteem in 2008, but it in fact did not prevent Obama…
I’ve never been keen on Bernie, but I did admire, for a while, how he seemed to value integrity and the high road even at his own expense. I could see how that appealed to people. But it’s clear now that he can be a disingenuous, enabling motherfucker just like any other politician. The jig is up.
I’d consider either of those options fine. It’s ridiculous that he’s still sowing dissent, whining about the rules of the party that he’s not even a registered member of, and going negative while he should be steering his people towards supporting Hillary.
You’re right, child molesters that are considerate enough to marry into their perversion so that extramarital child abuse is kept to a minimum should definitely be given a break and allowed to continue wielding power in Hollywood.
It’s rare to see an individual walk into a public arena with a dotted line across their neck and scream, “Cut here!”
If this is cathartic, then I do have some questions, because there is literally no one else willing to listen to me talk about it not on the internet at this point.
Actually, I’m even surprised there are more than one victim considering that he’s a filmmaker and photographer. He could get all the trophies he needs to relive molesting just one victim and have it last him a lifetime.
Wait, what? People can only be molestors if they have a reputation for molestation??? He didn't hurt her because he doesn't have a pile of victims willing to call him out?
It shouldn’t have to get to Cosby levels before we can call someone out on their bullshit. My point is that one is already too many. I respect that people who are pedophiles are mentally ill and they need treatment and it should be easier for them to admit that and get help before they harm anyone without fear of…
I’m going to lay it out as simply as I can for you: As far as I know, his parental rights were terminated. Do you understand what it takes to have parental rights terminated? This is something the Supreme Court says is a CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT of all Americans. As such, it’s virtually IMPOSSIBLE to have parental rights…
You know what it takes to be a pedophile? A predilection for children. It only takes one, and that one that has come forward is Dylan, whom you have shit all over because she wasn’t the perfect child victim that apparently meets your narrow definition of victimhood.
The essay was written recently and I don’t know why you continue with this screed. It takes years for molestation survivors to process what happened to them because people still don’t believe that others have been molested/assaulted/raped. Knock it off.
Yeah, tons of feminists use the word ‘hysterical’ unironically!
I also like the “it’s gotten very quiet in here” line. Calling out the cowardice of Hollywood.
You also can’t claim “Very few people who are old enough to remember the case in the early 90s believe Dylan” because there’s no accurate way to measure that. What can be said, however, is that, most often, when people have expressed doubt about Dylan’s story, it has been based on misinformation like you have here…
This is completely incorrect. The prosecutor in the case stated that there was probable cause to go ahead with charges, but Dylan was so fragile that he didn’t want to pursue them. Woody spent millions of dollars pursing his allegations that Dylan had been coached and he lost every time. This information is public…
I think he sexually assaulted a child and I don’t think that’s right …
Susan Sarandon isn’t without problems, but damn if I’m not here for this.
The number of people who have no fucks to give for Allen’s behaviour really amplifies the horror of his behaviour.