I spoke about this to my friends last year. There are way too many of us out here who have been sexually assaulted. We don’t need to constantly see it in movies and shows. We get it. We fucking get it.
I spoke about this to my friends last year. There are way too many of us out here who have been sexually assaulted. We don’t need to constantly see it in movies and shows. We get it. We fucking get it.
This has literally always been my mindset. A good prenup is saying, “in this moment, I love and respect you so much that I always want to remember that and be fair to you.” Prenups are love.
If I was married to a swimmer, I’d demand he be shirtless most of the time.
I think love, in their case, has been in and out of it and struggling to formulate a cogent sentence while fumbling for words and stammering aimlessly for quite a long time, actually.
OKAY SO I texted my mom who is a doctor about this issue.
It almost feels like we’re headed for the bad future that your eyepatch-wearing future self would come back to warn you about.
Seriously, were this any other circumstance, they would be telling women to cover up more in the restroom because it’s in men’s nature to roam the earth sniffing out vaginas like malnourished hyenas.
So glad we keep finding ways to be an openly bigoted country. Was worried that after nationally recognized same-sex marriage we were going soft there for a second
Also, if you’re a cis woman who gets all pissy about the fact that so many trans women (in your minds) embrace “stereotypical femininity”
You do know there are women out there that have horror stories about the arm implant as well? Infections that require hospitalization and surgery, coming loose and ending up in a blood vessel in the lung, nerve damage, not to mention an increase in the chances of an ectopic pregnancy if one becomes pregnant on it.…
I had meningitis as a 24-year-old young woman. It was some of the worst pain I’ve ever felt in my life. I needed hospitalization after only 3 days at home. It was excruciating, I couldn’t even keep water down. And I was an adult. I am frightened to think how pathetically ill this poor baby was after only a few days,…
“It’s not their fault because they waited until the last possible second to do the right thing and then a complication arose so the right thing couldn’t actually be done” is a shit take.
I think your judgement might be clouded by your proximity to the situation. They are absolutely 100% to blame. They let him be deathly ill for two and a half weeks before trying to take him to the hospital. There is no reason for his illness to have even reached the point where an ambulance and intubation would have…
You’re white aren’t you?
He’s a Windsor. That hair is on borrowed time.
.if there is a democrat that I want to vote for and know the only way to get to vote for them in the general is to vote for them in the primary I should be able to vote, despite not being a full time democrat.
Why? Parties are made of volunteers, donors and local leaders working together to get their favorite candidates elected. Why should you, as an independent, have a say in who my party puts forward as our candidate?
Bernie supporters are passionate and engaged. Hillary supporters are passionate and engaged. As a longtime New York democrat, I never thought this was going to end differently here. We elected her to the Senate twice, the second time in a landslide. She was a fabulously effective legislator for NY, it would have taken…
I am just so happy and proud of New York voting for Hillary. I know many states have done it before, and many states will do it after, but I am just over the moon about this win. Because, it really does mean, that there is such a possibility that I will get to see a woman become president before I’m 30. I just wish my…