
“Got a lot wrong” strikes me as a funny way of putting it, since the movie seems to have virtually nothing to do with the actual history.

Women should also avoid spaces where men are likely to be present, because men may strike at any time, especially if provoked. A man who is about to strike will raise himself into an intimidating posture and then shake the rattle on his tail in order to warn away a woman who he sees as a potential target.

To summarize the mood of the comments: Fuck that rich bitch, with her inherited money, and her options, and her happiness.

Julia was a ridiculously wealthy person from the day she was born due to family money, and all you hear about her is what a kind, good hearted, hard working woman she is, and how respected she is for earning her comedy cred on her own, without the influence of her father’s money. She is an icon of comedy, and proof

For someone who was preaching HORMONES earlier, you don’t seem to understand post partum depression, or depression at all, for that matter. Depressed? Just move! Oh fuck! WHY DIDN’T ANYONE EVER THINK OF THAT!??!?! Ladies and gents, TightBunsMagillicutty just found the cure for depression.

All kidding aside, you seem

Yeah... the problem is that characterizing a “better life” as one in which you’re fit, attractive, raising children, and having enough time on your hands to exercise a great deal is, in fact, weird and wrong and, like, not true? People have other priorities? Women are not just valuable and admirable when they’re

Okay, I HAVE, so I guess I get an opinion.

I feel like you need to get more of those feel-good hormones coursing through your body cause you’re being kind of a jerk.

Fuck this, having kids is a perfect excuse. Exhaustion is a perfect excuse. Post partum depression or overall coming to terms with motherhood is a perfect excuse. Becoming a mom is hard, we don't need to add this body shit to it.

Remember that episode of the “West Wing” where someone tried to sue the President for an sudden and horrifying accident? To paraphrase, people “have to go somewhere” with their grief and anger over catastrophic events in their lives. Faded hope sometimes turns to anger and bitterness, and with nowhere to direct it, it

Guy with a Masters in Special Education and 17 years working with children with severe autism here: 1. Fuck you DeNiro, you degenerate piece of garbage. 2. The causes of autism are widely accepted as a mess of disparate factors.....the age of the father, a heightened level of testosterone in the mother, genetics ( a

I truly feel for parents desperate to find something to blame for their child’s disorder, but once you cross the line into spreading dangerous untruths because you want the conspiracy to be true so badly, you must be told to sit down and shut up. Looks like Mr. De Niro has crossed that line.

You know, if I see one more person say “What were they supposed to do, she wanted out” without even fucking acknowledging the reason it got to that point, I’m go to Hulk out.

You’re right. If your boss is being mean to you, bullying you by not inviting you to company parties or important events, scheduling meetings when he knows you cannot attend... and then after 3 years of abuse you quit... one could certainly say “well you wanted to leave!” and completely ignore the fact that you wanted

I think there’s a bit of a “running with the boys” kind of mentality too - as someone who grew up religious/conservative, you want to prove you’re not one of those whiny feminists and can take whatever is thrown at you. You want to be identified more as a man than as a woman. And you learn to place the ideology over

I’m going to just repost what I said yesterday over on Gawker’s article. I’ve highlighted the part that any anti-vaxxer reading this should pay close attention to.

Let's just, like, any time someone wants to interview Caitlyn, they just go to the Wachowski sisters instead? Can we do that? For a better tomorrow?

She's definitely vapid and shallow, but I don't think every single woman needs to present as intellectual, deep, useful, and completely selfless for the advancement of women and girls. We should be able to be as diverse and flawed as men and boys are. Men can have their Chris Rocks, their Einsteins, their Sam Smiths,

IF he has nothing to hide then WHY did the academy awards happen on a leap year?? If he's not a terrorist then why do flamingos stand on one leg while they sleep? I for one want answers.

It’s amazing how quickly he shifts from the sleekness of Jay Gatsby to the scruffiness of a paunchy feral cat dozing in an alleyway.