
Seriously, it’s like no one actually bothers to consider the fact that for the Olsens, Full House is a distant childhood memory, something they grew up around when they were to young to process any of it. There are plenty of entertainers who turn down reunions because they simply want to focus on the present (as is

My goodness, she really can’t say a single thing without being criticized. This is a perfectly reasonable answer.

It’s not about her not liking him. It’s actually not about him at all. It’s about Hollywood insisting that they can’t hire diverse actors because they need a huge star and then on the other hand putting white actors who aren’t that big in lead roles to try to force them on the public as big stars. It’s about people

I get what Chris Rock is saying, but Kerry Washington or Gabrielle Union don’t need a man to speak for them.

“There’s no denying that the *fraudulent campaign* launched by the defendants has put abortion providers at risk.”

This is the face of the GOP. Voting matters. *Get these jerks out of office*.

I had a tough week, but this makes me happy. While forced birthers may not listen to reason, they have no choice but to listen to a judge.

No they don’t. But he’s totally within his rights to speak on this. And what he’s saying is 100% true. He’s being supportive and coming from a place of marginalization himself as a black person in our society. The idea that he should just keep quiet on this strikes me as really counter-productive. A black actor can

Condescending and tone deaf is kinda Ladyology’s only mode of speech on any topic.

For what it’s worth I am married to a service member. He does everything he can for his guys and does not sit around and complain about how “useless” they are or were. Sure there are plenty of people who aren’t fit for military service but the way you frame it sounds so condescending. Also if they were already in your

As a dude over 18 who comes from a military family, I know this. I don’t understand why everything I’m saying continues to sail right over your head.

I don’t know how to more clearly state that I don’t need the concept or application explained. I am saying that there is no situation, present or future, where a draft

...but why male models?

Let me get this straight. The Oscars don’t want to give rightful nominations to black people but they want them to serve the the award to the white winners to make up for it?

Stop being friends with those morons.

My stomach literally turns when I see this. Who raised these people?

*shrug* He made a dumb remark, and was corrected on it. He’s fine.

Exactly! The correct response - if you’re white - to “Black lives matter” is to say “Yes. Yes, they do” not “BUT WHAT ABOUT ME?!?”

I will never understand how people seem to think that someone saying "Black lives matter" somehow means "everyone else's life doesn’t" like what kind of mental gymnastics does someone go through to need to shout ALL LIVES MATTER in response?

I think you might be underestimating how powerful the image of the happy slave is in the mind of many white folks who will don’t wish to grapple with the horror perpetrated on the enslaved ancestors of African Americans. I like to think of it as The Gone With the Wind Effect, because there are many people whose mental

“Fuck ‘yo cake.”

Anne Hathaway maybe knows something about being built up, put on a pedestal and then torn down for basically no reason. So good for her for saying something.