
But we aren’t talking about criticism, or at least, I’m not. Being aware that people are not born thinking that painted faces are attractive is not remotely the same thing as saying, “Wearing make up is bad,” any more than being aware that people aren’t born liking football is criticizing people for liking football.

I kind of hate the “well, we needed a big name for ticket sales” argument. Actors of color could become big names if they got more films. Making this argument subtly implies that actors of color simply don’t have the talent or star quality or whatever that white stars do, and that’s bullshit, they just don’t get the

I promise you literally no one on this site wants to know what your penis is up to.

For anyone justifiably curious about what might prompt Austrian-born women to leave Europe and willingly join a group of sadistic, misogynist theocrats, this report might provide some answers.

McGowan isn’t “a working actress”. She’s transitioned to directing and quit acting entirely and made multiple public statements to that effect. No, it isn’t reasonable to decide that getting a buzzcut wasn’t “in her best interest” or to suggest that she’s not okay based on it.

I don’t understand why more people don’t realize this - when people are awful to you, you can cut them off and declare them dead to you. You reap what you sow in this world, IMO. In my family, our family tree is kind of without branches (which sounds like that old Jeff Foxworthy joke that if your family tree doesn’t

Jezzies: But Jia, besides her being polite, how is this woman- an anti-choice, anti-gay bigot trying to elect people who will impose her religious values on the entire country- materially different than a Christian anti-choice, anti-gay bigot like Kim Davis?

Look, that doesn’t make her a hero. That’s what so nuts about the article you wrote. She is not a hero for expecting her party to not be ignorant and racist. She is also not a hero for talking to you and answering your questions directly. She is a politician who told you what she thinks. Fine- that does not make her a

Yeah, it seems it would be much more expedient for ISIS to radicalise people who already have an easy entrance into Europe than to try to smuggle terrorists in via uncertain routes. Which is what they have been doing, by all accounts, and if I’m judging this correctly, sowing discord between Muslims and non-Muslims in

A really important fact that somehow doesn’t ever get mentioned is that as citizens of Visa Waiver Program countries, any French or German citizen who was a member of ISIS could show up at any airport in the US and as long as they weren’t on a terror watch list, they’d be let in as a tourist immediately with no real

Where was I reading about pay transparancy earlier today?

I try to clean, but goddamn you have no idea how tiring it gets hauling around this penis all day.

I had been hoodwinked, bamboozled, conned, duped, flimflammed.

They have been together longer than a lot a marriages last, they have moved together to a new place and he has stuck with her through cancer, if all of that doesn’t demonstrate he is in it for the long run I don’t know what does. Maybe it’s because I am a guy and we tend to see marriage differently, so I totally get

Sorry, no. “If you don’t propose to me by x date, I’m leaving” is emotional blackmail. Be an adult and have a conversation about what you want and whether they want the same thing or not, listen to their viewpoint, then decide what you’ll do based on how that conversation goes. Threats of leaving if you don’t get

Literally my favourite feeling in the world is when I feel like someone is mostly going along with something because I wore them down with a long and bitter war of attrition!

I asked my boyfriend to marry me! And he said yes! Wahoo! He wasn’t emasculated. In fact, he said that the fact that I asked him was just an illustration of all my qualities that he loves the most. I got to the point where I just knew I wanted to get married and waiting around seemed profoundly un-feminist. When I

Because using emotional blackmail to get someone to agree to spend the rest of their life with you is a greeeeeeeeaaaat way to start a marriage, right??

No, see, they want to tell you about how GG actually has lots of women and minorities and the good kind of feminists in its ranks, and they’re good people who just wanna play video games, man, without having to hear any critique of any aspects of the games they’re playing. Such criticism is biased and designed to

I’ve posted this before, but what the hell: