
Thank god kids never have sex before the age of consent, then.

good take....thanks for stopping by....

She’s 17. Take it down a notch, please.

I like Josh Whedon and I think that he’s done a lot to bring strong female characters to a male-dominated genre. To that extent, I think his intentions with the evolution of Black Widow’s were probably good, and I don’t really know if that makes him a misogynist. What IS misogyny is Whedon’s inability to handle any

It’s SIGNIFICANTLY worse for women, to the point that the comparison is seriously asinine, but since that wasn’t the main thrust of your comment, it’s not really worth arguing about. You’re still completely disregarding pregnancy and birth, and suggesting that being angry at a woman for not happily volunteering to

What you are talking about and the Sofia Vergara/Nick Loeb situation are totally different. Nobody is pregnant in their case. The fight is over what to do with two frozen embryos that they both signed a contract not to touch. Nick Loeb is now trying to back out of that.

Single parenthood really isn’t stigmatized for men, first of all. We demonize single mothers, but we treat single fathers like heroes.

I 100% agree. Men should definitely have the ability to veto abortions, and it should happen as soon as they have the ability to get pregnant.

So it’s okay to criticize Beyonce for committing feminist faux pas but it’s okay to demonize strippers?

“Too nice”, in my experience, translates to “Has no opinion”.

I hate hair. It grosses me out when it's all over the bathroom. My brother in law has a gross long beard, which he thinks is hot (no) and he thinks he started lumber sexual (definitely no). A few weeks ago he grabbed my hand and tried to tickle it with his beard hair going back and forth on my hand. I wanted to puke

There is no worshiping. I don’t even consider “worship” to be a valid concept outside the context of certain sexual fetishes. Unfalsifiable beings that want constant over the top adoration and praise from everyone, and consider this of primary importance, are about as unbelievable as something can be. Philosophical

Nobody explains that better than Eli Pope.

Also, just WTF with this statement.She is actually saying that women should just work harder than men to be treated equally. DO MORE WORK TO BE TREATED THE SAME. I just. I just can’t.

And, like, the WHOLE POINT is that if you have to be extraordinary in order to get paid the same as mediocre white men, THAT’S UNFAIR.

My god, you’re dense. There’s a whole lotta gray area between “men aren’t like this” and “it’s normal for men to be like this.” Enough men are like this that almost every woman has several stories of encountering them. Based on your other comments, I’m guessing you’re the kind of guy who helps rape culture flourish by

Being attracted to pubescent girls is hebephilia, not pedophilia. And hitting on a pubescent girl is a risk you take when you hit on a complete stranger, even if you’re normally attracted to adults. So no, these are not necessarily stories of men who were specifically turned on by 9-14 year-olds, but stories of men

nope, the moral here is: if you don’t get the moral from reading these stories (our culture sexualises girls far too early and it’s a BIG PROBLEM for so many people) then fuck off and don’t bother commenting about how much you don’t get it, because you contribute nothing to the conversation, while at the same time

you may disagree, but the preponderance of evidence here in ALL THESE WOMEN’S STORIES disagrees with you. shut up and sit down, this is not about you.
