
If thats what you took from this was scenarios in the justice system then your are thick. My response was to your callous and simple framework that what these women are going through is acceptable because of the amount people coming through the southern border. What you and so many of the graduates from The Idiot

Yeah. Newsflash: Even if you're sure someone has an eating disorder, yelling "HEY YOU LOOK ILL EAT SOMETHING" is super unhelpful. Especially if you don't know them.

Hmmm. Not to happy to say I saw a shittonne of those comments coming from Jez commenters as well. I don't fucking like the chick but there's enough awful things about her personality to rag on , you don't need to go straight for the "she looks like an emaciated alien" jab.

It's been 10 years since she made that crossroads deal to become rich and famous, and the hellhounds are about to come for her.

literally fell out of my seat and convulsed publicly upon the news like i dont know what yall want like yall want a beyonce tay swift duet? would that make u happy? waffles dusted with gold and the tears of men? an unlimited starbucks card? IF THIS DOESN’T THRILL U WHAT WILL OMG

Who's "we"? This law is being enacted by the Navajo Nation. I'm not sure they have the money to subsidize healthy foods to the point that they are freely available to all members. I feel pretty confident in speculating that they definitely don't have the money to put together whatever transit system you imagine that

"if you are in the majority, then you are likely regular"

I too, am on Team Ted Cruz is Actually Two Children Stacked On Top Of Each Other.

Everyone is different. I, for example, have never had a child. And aside from initial discomfort (1-2 days of cramps), haven't had any problems with my IUD.

Since you've apparently spent the last four hours of your life repeatedly begging people to answer your original question because you are literally too stupid to read the answer in my first two responses, let me put you out of your misery:

No one gives a fuck if you think I'm being emotional for pointing out how fucking absurd it is for you to say that because you have not personally SEEN a phenomenon, it must not exist, on an article that specifically discusses men not trusting women at their word. It doesn't matter to you how many women respond to me

Are you trolling, or are you seriously, on an article about how men don't take women at face value about what they say, asking me if I meant what I said when I said that this is a thing that regularly occurs? My insertion of "slightly different words" was a bone I threw to suggest that not all men just steal the words

I love how you potentially/probably saved your and your coworkers' lives and a bunch of bros still chime in like "cool story, but I just reeeeeally need to correct you on this one thing that you weren't even wrong about". Way to prove the entire point of the article. (This gif is for them, not you, but I didn't want

That's how I felt about the thing where you tell a joke and everyone ignores you except the guy sitting next to you, and then he repeats the joke you just made and everyone laughs. That happens to me all the time, and I always thought it was because I mumble and have terrible comic timing - which I'm sure it partially

The terrible thing is that kind of knowledge never sticks. It's not like they'll just start trusting your judgement or anything now. If had things like this happen so many times but it never really changes things.

Clearly, she smelled something. Something that really got her attention. But hey, I'm just a woman, which means I'm a defective man.

Anyone who has ever sat in a classroom/meeting/whatever and made a point, been told it's not exactly right, only to hear a man in the room repeat THE EXACT SAME POINT in slightly different words, and be told he's a visionary, has experienced the rage. It more or less sums up like 50% of graduate seminars, and no doubt

I've been in a bunch of situations where I'm that friend, and it sucks! I think a good strategy is to try to cultivate a relationship between your female friend and your girlfriend (or your male friend and your boyfriend, or your friend of any gender and your partner of any gender if you're bi.) Invite them to stuff

Ok, all the responses you get, trying to explain to you why you, don't they tell you something? Like, you are seriously overstepping your bounds here? I get that you don't see it that way, as you continue to defend your behaviour and think you're just misunderstood, and what you're doing is a positive