
Katy Perry has a thing for men who, IMO, are beneath her.

Gandhi's wife died of a treatable illness after Gandhi refused penicillin on her behalf. later, when he was sick with the same illness, he decided that penicillin was, after all, acceptable and his life was saved by it.

As the chick who had everything go wrong with HBC, I'm glad someone else is saying this. I just got a copper-T and am hoping I can quit the conversations with every new doc about how no, hormones make me severely depressed, suicidal, give me migraines three and a half out of four weeks of each cycle, and gave me a

Allahvun It

for once the science validates my anecdotal experience.

No. What is outrageous is that you are likely severely underpaid, like many people in the U.S. Instead of being angry that a fast food worker will actually have a shot at a living wage, maybe you should be angry at why your wage is unfairly low. The fight should be for every worker to be paid better, not for everyone

Ladies, when your husband "offers to babysit" his own children, it is customary to give him $15 an hour and let him eat whatever he wants out of the fridge.

Neither of us clean. We hired someone to and I. do. not. feel. bad.


Thank you for helping me pin down what bothered me about this article.

Except in your "other version" of the story, he DOESN'T have all the power. Because, while he is essentially dependent on her to function as a human being, she is not dependent on him in that same way. Therefore, if he makes the demand that she can't have sex with anyone, she is free to leave and have sex with

I also have a chronic illness, and this article enraged me. No, I would not be cool with a partner deciding to cheat on me months after I got ill, me finding out, then me being given an ultimatum that either I go along with the cheating or get dumped. This is just such a sucky corner this woman has backed her husband

This piece sure did no favors to child-free women as a group. It certainly seemed to set up that old dichotomy that the childless "career woman" is a hostile harpy to mothers and that they retaliate against mothers because they simply cannot understand until they have a child of their own. If I were childfree, I'd be

The problem with cheating is more than the act of having sex with another person. It's the lying, the deceitfulness, sneaking around, and treating someone you're suppose to love and have taken vows with like they don't matter. So, no, I have no empathy for people like that.

Listen man. You do you, ok? If two people are happy and consenting, then that's all that matters. It doesn't matter whether they're gay or straight, mono or poly, vanilla or kinked. Whatever.

The reason people dislike cheating is because of empathy. They are empathetic to the person unknowingly getting cheated on.

Just from some of the quotes from her side of the story, I can see that it's almost certainly not a normal, healthy poly relationship

"Yeah, I think the fact that when he found out they didn't just call it quits and they found a way to make it work for both of them was particularly beautiful."

I've seen polyamory and open relationships work for a lot of people, but only when it's a mutual decision that comes from a place of curiosity and joy. I've also seen lots of couples attempt polyamory or open relationships after one says "lets sleep with other people or I leave", and I've never seen that work. It's an

Yeah, the other thing about this as I digest it a little is, you know, we're getting a side of the story here and we're getting it from the person who initiate the change and is the one actually going out there and banging other people. They present it as something that works for them but also as something the other