
"It was interesting to me to have my patriarchal bias confirmed. No, I didn't think of this from any other angle - why do you ask?"

Serial killing just sounds exhausting. Who has the time? Who has the energy?

I have kids, I get how they can be frustrating. I'm also married to a child psychologist. So I'd say I feel kind of competent to answer your question. Actually, though I'm not going to answer YOUR question about whether you're an awful person. I'm going to address the heart of this and ask - Is your discipline method

When we were shitty little kids, my mom sat us down and enthusiastically said, "Let's make a list of all your favorite things! What are your most favorite toys and your favorite things to do?" After we excitedly told her these things and she wrote them down, she put the list on the fridge and said, "Now, next time you

A calm, yet firm voice is so much more powerful than yelling. All yelling does is show that the parent has lost control. It's hard not to want to do it, but kids totally sense that they've got the upper hand and they run with it.

I feel like punishment options are nearly endless if you take into account physical labor. My parents had me doing my fair share of chores in the first place, and when I broke the rules I would have to pick up a chore they knew I hated or — even better — get resigned to some sort of Sisyphean errand. Examples: "Weed

Everytime I hear stories like this it only furthers my belief that the rules for training young children how to behave properly are the same as training a dog.

Loving all the responses referencing period costumes as if Cinderella is a historical biopic that must be set in a specific time and place.

I heard if a woman has had three children, and you put your ear to her vagina, you can hear the ocean.

I find a lot of anger in that sentence, that still just reflects that you are being incredibly negative. Life bestows unfair advantages on people; that's true. Some people do amazing things with those advantages, and some don't, but that's just the nature of life in general. To quote Mean Girls, calling people ugly

I absolutely love my little copper baby stopper! It does make my periods a little heavier, but it's a small price to pay to not develop any squatters in my uterus.

Vagina is too foldy? Sounds like a Yelp review

damn you care kinda cunting up a storm

whenever someone says that ("would you like fries with your order") as an insult to demean someone I cringe
what the fuck is wrong with having a job. that comment is so fucking classist and gross. get over yourself

hate to be that asshole, but I unfortunately saw the movie and she was far and away the best/basically only non-boring part of it.

Whenever I've brought up the fact that he isn't a college graduate on social media, someone always points out that it doesn't matter that much, not all smart/successful people go to college, going to college doesn't make you smart, and etc. I've been accused of being elitist (of course). I'm sorry, but I guess I am an

Actually, the ivory trade is funding terrorism and conflict in Africa, so the average face of the ivory poacher isn't the sad starving kid in a UNICEF commercial, but a violent dickhead inflicting genocide on their neighbors because their god has a smaller peepee or whatever.

I get sweaty just looking at this dress. Remember the episode of Friends where Ross wears leather pants and smacks himself in the face with a baby powdered hand trying to pull them back up because the powder made a paaaaaastte?

I really object to the idea that romance novels are inherently not feminist. Yes, many of them forward antiquated ideas of womanhood, but they are also by and large written BY women FOR women ABOUT women's fantasies. And frankly, some of those early historicals in the 60s and 70s were more historically accurate and

Shorter version, if you just want the list of the list of what she says are "Eight things developers can do to make games less shitty for women", paraphrased from my notes... not that a lot of this pertain to action games and probably make more sense if you're thinking about first and third-person shooters, the Arkham