
But look at you. You are fully participating of your own accord here. If you are not affected by damaging stereotypes, specifically about the damaging stereotypes that are related to Black women sporting natural hairstyles or hairstyles that reflect their natural hairstyles, then you are stoked and there is no need

So it's like 70s-era Penthouse then.

What is Google?

Oh I also forgot:

My mother. Who took the opportunity during her toast to give my bride my bronzed baby shoes, saying "This is all I have left to give to you of my Gregory. The rest you've already taken for yourself"

This... is not a cool comment, IMO.

but the assertion that asexuals aren't queer is your opinion and not a fact.

i've heard the exact same thing from gay and lesbian friends about transexuals.

I was correctively raped as a result of being asexual. He was going to "fix" me.

I'm not going to ask you who's an asshole in real life, because that would be unprofessional. So I'll ask you the opposite.

I urge you, if you are engaging in BDSM practice with that kind of understanding of consent, to stop immediately.

1000x. Straight guys have NO clue that you should not ask to have sex in a damn online chat. Also, I like The Walking Dead, but I don't want to screw everybody else who does. Is that so hard to understand?

Petition for Dakota Johnson and Jamie Dornan to be replaced by Tommy Wiseau and Greg Sestero respectively

I suspect you underestimate her level of delusion. She does not think she wrote smut. She thinks she wrote ART. She's been very clear about this, in a very troubling and unsettling way.

Ugh Texas - in a constant battle with Florida for "Black Sheep State" status (though keep it up, Oklahoma, you may win this one yet!)

Get over it. It's going to happen. We won.

Her tightly, yet gently bound hands.

I've been thinking about streaks... just around my face.

Only three? BFD.