
I’m trying to understand your point, but I’m sorry, I just don’t. How does the fact that Argento sexually assaulted this man negate the fact that Weinstein sexually assaulted her? Both can be true. And, frankly, I’m struggling to see how you think she used #metoo for her own professional gain when the onslaught of

Over time, absolutely. But she’s still early in her career.

They garner different kinds of power. While women can cross between being in front or behind the camera, there is a difference between the kind of power you wield as an actress and what you wield as a director or producer.

I am not speaking about the success of her films. I am discussing the reasoning behind her extended absence from acting. She is still active in Hollywood, and yes, she still wields some power there. I’m stating this as a point of fact; I do not get emotionally invested in either side of a divorce.

“she doesn’t have the power she used to.”

Weren’t white, college educated women the only demographic of white women who didn’t vote for Trump? I recall it being by a shamefully slim margin, but I think they went Hillary.

Next time, be clearer.

Bernie Sanders won more primary votes but somehow (thanks, former Clinton 2008 Presidential Campaign Co-Chair/2016 DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman-Schultz) Hillary managed to accrue more delegates.

You’re weirdly fixated on this...

You’re calling Russian interference an “ad campaign”.

Clinton’s loss wasn’t due to her ideology—it was bad luck, no charisma, a whole lot of personal baggage, and frankly a much weaker CV than advertised

I’m more bummed out about this woman’s father being such a thirsty asshole who chooses media attention over his own child than I am about that child making the practical-minded decision to cut a toxic person out of her life. Her mom was the ONLY person from her family at that wedding. When she invited her dad, I got

Not in this article. On his social media, after it happened, he said that they thought it was cute. He spoke for her.

Once she left social media, I was extremely uncomfortable with the amount of people who were willing to brush off the inappropriateness of the original thread by saying, “but he’s fine with it!”

I don’t wear jeans often, mind you, but I have three pairs and have had no issues with chafing.

SOOO I stopped wearing underwear beneath my clothes about two years ago, and I’m never going back.

OKAY BUT DID THEY FUCK THOUGH (asking the important questions here)

I don’t want to make assumptions or anything, but Bourdain was a very, very vocal supporter of #MeToo. His girlfriend was one of Weinstein’s victims, and not only did he support her before the allegations hit, but he publicly called out men who didn’t support the movement.

Now that’s a better headline!