
Why are we talking about him “retaliating against a break up” in a same article that discusses an obviously problematic relationship with his mother, which clearly played a role in him raping women? I have no doubt Bonnie left him for good reason.

As far as the cemetery goes, that’s where she met Percy, over her mother’s grave.

“I’m so glad you quoted me because you obviously didn’t read the rest of my comment.”

hillary’s shitty campaign has a lot to do with the outcome of the election.

It was the same with my family. My grandmother was from Oklahoma during the Great Depression and moved to California, and people used that trope back in the day to discriminate against her family. So when she found out that there wasn’t a drop of native blood in our ancestry, it was the source of a great deal of hurt

Personally, the only time I’ve had to empty mine in a public restroom was during a long haul flight. It wasn’t ideal, but it wasn’t too bad, either. I have a heavy flow and empty the cup when I’m in the shower in the morning, and when I’m in the shower before bed. I generally try to change it every 12 hours, but have

I tried the Diva Cup and found it way too long and uncomfortable even with the stem trimmed, so I switched to Moon Cup. I still needed to trim the stem all the way, but once I did that, it was super comfortable and I don’t notice it’s there. So, here’s my rec for Moon Cup!

Coercion references force or threats.

If you truly cannot see how the power imbalance between a white house intern in her early twenties and her employer, who was both the president of the united states and a man old enough to be her father, is so massively skewed, then I can’t help you. Even if she had a crush on him, even if she thought him sexually

There are several problems in this particular case and that way of thinking:

Then why are you here?

Seconding! This book (series, really) is fantastic.

This is such a great list, Kelly!!

and points to a lack of physical evidence and a lack accusers, save one.

Why they don’t just admit Maas’s books are adult, I’ll never know. I don’t care if teens read her books, but they’re literally no different from the adult paranormal romance I read. They’re adult!

No, she’s hyped because we find her funny. You are the arbiter of fuck all, dude.

Wahlberg sucks. But any argument that Michelle Williams is a bigger name outside of the arthouse Jezebel crowd is just incorrect.

That is not even remotely true. There was a litany of refusals, and at one point Ansari even acknowledged her clear discomfort. Observe:

Whitney, why are you giving attention to @FeistyCovfefe, a thirsty, bananapants Trump voter? Come on.

Not only that, but during the interview for this magazine (which was recorded), with all these other women present, Kate Winslet again praised Woody Allen and his female characters. Kate is insufferable, but none of these women called her out on that, either.