
Listen. Don’t do it. The fun parts of Twitter are outweighed by the fact that it is almost always in outrage mode and I highly suspect daily use isn’t good for people’s mental health. Stay away and do something healthier instead. Pet a cute animal or something.

No, no, no. More liberals need to move to Texas. It’s purple; turn it blue!

Oh, Stephen is just pissed because Alec made a joke about him on SNL during one of his Trump skits. If there’s Secret Baldwin Family Facebook Profiles, Stephen’s is probably the one with 3,000 word conspiracy rants about Pizza-gate.

I think Baldwin was totally ready to retire the character before the election. Obviously he assumed Clinton would win, but I’m guessing he took the role on the assumption that it would be a short term thing and super fun to do.

They don’t care because those are all liberal cities.

I’m so hopeful for Mhairi Black’s future in politics. Sometimes I still can’t believe how young she is. She’s got a bright future ahead of her.

I’m annoyed with this, but that’s eclipsed by the fact that the UK is only on its second female PM and May is every bit as racist, xenophobic, poverty hating, and abhorrent as the first.

She’s going to tear up if she wins. Hillz is generally good at downplaying her emotions in public, but there’s no way the impact of being the first woman president, after 30 years of sexism in public service and fighting and clawing her way to get there, won’t impact her emotionally. If she doesn’t tear up at the

Just a reminder that the North Carolina GOP building is the one that was firebombed, that a bunch of naive democrats and left-leaning folk fundraised for in a misguided attempt to “go high”.

I wish they were better about ungreying actual decent commenters. I languished in the grey for years, and was finally ungreyed before the Gawker situation went down. And I don’t even contribute as much these days as some folks still in the grey.

Lately I’m just telling myself that this election is breaking people and so now even the smallest thing looks like a huge fucking deal to them.

Agh I forgot about the rollercoaster one! I stand corrected.

BEST REFERENCE. Ignore these other commenters.

Agreed! I think one of the reasons the Satanic Temple has been more effective than Pastafarianism is because evangelicals see the Flying Spaghetti Monster as a joke (which it is!). They don’t take it seriously as a threat. But evangelicals teach their followers to constantly fear the devil’s influence, so for the

The NASCAR one is Final Destination 3! Two is the massive car accident, four is the bridge collapse. I binge watched all of them and regret nothing.

Honestly, I’m thrilled for her. It seems like in interviews with her since The Host and Breaking Dawn were released, she was working on a different book each time (first it was a dark mermaid book, then a fantasy, then sequels to the Host). I started to get the impression that the popularity, backlash, and personal

It was his photos from Wimbledon that did it for me. That suit...unfffffff.