
The EU is going to uphold the decision. And of course they should, since they can’t forcibly keep the UK where it doesn’t want to be. That doesn’t mean it isn’t a stupid decision or that it won’t have serious repercussions, such as Scotland calling for another vote for independence.

I agree that Jon was a dummy, too. But he gets a little bit of a pass since he came back from the dead and all.

Thank you for sharing. Your son is so lucky to have such a wonderful momma. <3

This gif is like scientifically proven to induce violence.

Every Republican politician was offering up their useless “thoughts and prayers” on Twitter, and not a single (SINGLE) one acknowledged this was an attack on LGBT people. Not. A. Single. One. They’re erasing LGBT people from their own tragedy.

I wondered that myself, but at the same time, she was sitting there for houuuursssss and it would probably be hard to listen to those blowhards for that long and keep your expression even. I would have started making faces 10 minutes in.

Jesus. I couldn’t even watch that clip all the way through, I was cringing too much.

I thought his name looked familiar! Didn’t he admit to it?

I’m surprised all these parents are happy to have their kids who failed to launch living with them indefinitely.

What about sex?

This this this. My husband is Canadian and his parents came for a visit and gushed about Sanders and how he “elevates the political discourse.”

If it’s all right, may we stick to these forums? I’m much, much better about answering messages here; I have a terrible tendency of reading emails with the intent of answering later, and then I end up forgetting. But you’re welcome to ask whatever you’d like! I’m pretty open about the experience. :)

I understand that people like a nude lip for when they go big with the eyeshadow, but I think just a touch of lipgloss looks so much better.

I bring concealer and powder with me for touch ups. It really sucks if I put on sunglasses and they rub the make up off the sides of my nose.

I’m so sorry. :( I was also a case where my insurance was questioning the medical necessity of a reduction; they wanted proof that it impacted my physical health. Never mind that the extra tissue on my chest was causing sleep apnea, I had to wear two or three sports bras to conduct any sort of physical activity

Ugh, exactly! I’m petite and my breasts were very, very large. I had D cups in middle school and by the time I left high school, they were H cups. I was so ashamed and embarrassed by them that I dressed in baggy clothes that might as well have been me wearing a potato sack. And even then, the level of harassment I

First of all, Aikage is a dude.

Yep, that was brilliant!