To be honest, I think I’m having a melt-down, and just need one person to talk me through it.
To be honest, I think I’m having a melt-down, and just need one person to talk me through it.
Writing was her career. She didn’t “give up” anything. I feel that her career choice deserved to be respected by the husband who was only too happy to spend the money she earned, but belittled how she earned it. So, no, when their marriage fell apart and he demanded half of the income she earned despite years of…
This this this. I know someone who became a very successful author after marrying. Her husband resented her success, made her feel like absolute shit about writing, and made her feel like her job wasn’t as important as his even though she out-earned him. Eventually, she filed for divorce. But because they didn’t have…
What you’re missing is that their metabolisms slowed much more than would be expected.
It’s not really surprising. Transitioning into maintaining weight is even more difficult than weight loss. Your metabolism slows (which is entirely normal — bigger people burn more calories, which is also why they eat more), but the hormones responsible for satiety and telling the body how much body fat is present are…
Honestly, I’m not going to debate this here, but since it’s listed as a side-effect on the Planned Parenthood website, I’m stating it.
Not injections. Implant. It’s progesterone. No weight gain issue.
I read/heard that Paragard can cause really really heavy periods and exponentially worse cramping — I’m not sure if that’s purely anecdotal or if it’s a medically caused thing (I’ll be honest, the worst horror story I read was from XOjane, take that for whatever it’s worth).
Seriously! When I got my copper IUD put in, I mentioned it to a friend and she was like, “Real talk: I’ve met women who got pregnant with IUDs.” After blinking at her for a few seconds, I finally said, “So? Are you advising me to get it removed? It’s literally the most effective birth control there is. More women get…
What on earth?!!! Holy shit, I’m so sorry this Dr did that to you. I had a reduction 10 years back and when I went in for the consultation, he had me change into a paper gown (or maybe it was cloth, my memory’s a bit fuzzy) first, sit on the edge of one of those reclining Dr beds, and then had me pull the gown aside…
Seriously feeling this right now. Sooo I’ve lost about 75 lbs and my boobs — which already, I might add, had undergone breast reduction surgery 10 years ago — have shrunk along with the rest of me, naturally. After losing 40 lbs, I went out and bought C cup bras. Now those bras are too big and silly me decided to…
Yes, the Bolsheviks certainly didn’t want any potential challenges, but there were male Romanovs who did survive and tried to claim the Russian throne. Notably Grand Duke Cyril, Nicholas II’s cousin, who caused some division among remaining family members by declaring himself emperor of Russia (and it certainly didn’t…
Your situation sounds so much like mine. I have both depression and anxiety and tried cognitive behavioural therapy so I could cope on my own. I absolutely loved therapy and it really, really helped, but it just wasn’t enough.
I’m not sure what he could have done even to save the girls since there had been male and female rulers in Russia so any survivor would be a rightful heir and potential source of international and national tensions.
I always think this about balding dudes. Just embrace it! Shave it off! My dad started balding at a young age and when he finally just accepted it and shaved his head, he looked so much better.
It’s so weird. I’ve never been pregnant, but I always feel like . . . I don’t know, women are pressured enough as it is for their bodies. Pregnancy should be the one time they’re allowed to loosen up and eat an extra helping or two without being pressured about their bodies. So I’m dismayed by this “what’s your…
I had a reduction 10 years ago and it was the best decision I ever made. I went down to a C cup (now a B with weight loss), was finally able to shop for bras in the actual stores. It made such a positive change in my life and I hope it does the same for you.
Yeah, my husband is 100% Chilean (both parents born and raised in Chile) and while he’s not as pale as me (Irish-German white lady here), he is still so. damn. pale. He does tan during the summertime, though. Me, I just look like a lobster.
She looks like a wax statue from Madame Tussauds in this photo.