I’m voting for Hillary (with some reluctance) because I think she’s a battle-tested beltway beeyotch who can clobber Republican radicals.
I’m voting for Hillary (with some reluctance) because I think she’s a battle-tested beltway beeyotch who can clobber Republican radicals.
Yeah, when that book was written, SO many romances were super rapey and gross. Whenever someone mentions Whitney, My Love as their favourite romance, I give them a looooong side-eye. Romances have come a long way since then, thank god.
Omg Are you talking about Whitney, My Love???
Just adding that I also have an IUD and started using my Diva Cup about 1 month after insertion with no problems. I didn’t have the strings trimmed — they just shifted to the side of my vaginal wall and they stay there. When I pull out the cup, I make sure to gently push my finger up to break the suction and pull it…
I seriously wish they were more on top of ungreying people. I know that they receive a lot of comments, but a lot of perfectly awesome folks just languish there.
YES. What is with this???
I am seriously baffled by these responses. Where the fuck am I? I thought I was on Jezebel, but I must have stepped in a time machine and landed in my high school hallway because this is some catty bullshit.
Even if she was unnecessarily rude to a reporter, so what? Is this proof that Jennifer Lawrence is a terrible person? Does a grown man need to be defended because his interviewee was rude to him?
Get out of here with that logic. The olds are busy ranting. ;)
Elizabeth Olsen is too busy being in a Marvel franchise to participate in this dreck.
You’re welcome! I hope it helps. :)
Yes — the way I think of it: eating at a deficit is for weight loss, working out is for health. And for the amount I had to lose (80-85lbs), loose skin was a big concern of mine. So, weight training was vital for maintaining muscle mass during loss. Lifting on top of eating at a deficit was the best decision I’ve ever…
Nope. I go 6 days a week. In winter, it’s the only thing that saves me from becoming a depressed hermit. But I recognize it’s a difficult habit for a lot of people to form since it’s so easy to just stop going. I’ve started to think of it as something like brushing my teeth; I don’t particularly enjoy it, but it’s…
Cutting calories is definitely the biggest factor in weight loss*. But cardio is important to heart health and overall well-being, and I’m also not a natural runner and hate it with every fiber of my being. So instead of it being the bulk of my workout, I use it as a warm up.
YES PLEASE. (And we’re going to miss you, Mark. Wishing you all the best going forward.)
It does. I feel like my weight kept me invisible for so long, and now that it doesn’t I have to come up with new ways to cope. I’ve been looking into Krav Maga for a while because it looks like it would be very useful! I’m going to take your post as a sign I should book a class near me.
Attorney Joshua Gordon said. “For divorced couples, it is often important to have the solace of knowing that their former spouse is indeed former.”
I’m so very sorry that happened to you.
I don’t believe in placing hard lines on the books. Individual cases are complicated. Many women who receive late term abortions do so for complex reasons and a restrictive law doesn’t take individual circumstances into account. Jezebel has done several articles on abortion, a few of which discuss the reasons a woman…