
And I’m guessing those twin boys didn’t have injuries from a botched abortion attempt like this one does. In the case of this particular child, the outcome will be as mylatibule described. It’s a certainty.

Lawrence is probably the one who dared him to do it.

The 500 Days posts are unbearably, painfully unfunny. Whenever I see one, I’m still in a state of disbelief that someone had this fucking idiotic idea, was approved by the editors, and has seriously committed to it for this long.

Oh yes, me too. I was unfit and overweight pretty much my entire life and I decided to give the Shred a try a few years back. I was a bit embarrassed by how out of shape I was (I think I only did 15 of the 30 minutes the first day), but that only made me more determined to finish. I actually completed it, and went on

See also: the people who talk about how Trent Reznor sucks as a musician now that he’s clean. Some people are the fucking worst.

If there were open primaries for both parties, you’d see one party or the other flock to the polls to vote in the candidate for the opposite party that was guaranteed to lose in the national election. The result would either reward whichever party mobilized enough people to strategically vote, or at worst we’d end up

Yanno, if you had stuck with the argument that you believe we should assume the worst in cases like this because of school shootings and the safety of kids, fine. Difference of opinion. I’d simply point out that a few of Ahmed’s teachers came forward and said he’d bring in stuff he built before, and there was a

14 is a kid. He is a child. Whether he knew what he was doing or not is irrelevant. He is under the age of the majority, he is a kid. Fact.

He didn’t “keep on taking it to several classes”. He took it to show a teacher, that teacher told him not to show anyone else, and when it beeped in another class, he was forced to take it out and show that teacher what the noise was.

Nah, man. It’s because you used that article, akin to something I’d see on Fox News, and presented it as fact. If I’ve taken any stance it’s that your source and your arguments are fucking garbage. Try harder.

Oh, boo fucking hoo. Cry me a river. Those are some bitter damn tears.

Oh my god, whooooooooo caaaaaaaaaaares.

The school never said they thought it was a bomb just a hoax.

You’re speculating. You can’t prove any of that is true. You can’t prove his intent in building the clock, why he brought it to school, or even that he intended to get arrested. You are speculating. Fact: he was profiled. Fact: he was arrested for bringing this clock to school. Fact: his civil rights were violated. The

The only thing I can think of is that Richard Dawkins popularized it. After this happened, he was ranting on Twitter about how Ahmed “didn’t invent the clock” blah, blah, blah and a bunch of people took it as fact and ran with it. Most people can’t even find their ass with both hands, but they’re all very quick to

Wow. Real impartial source there.

I am, too. Speaking from experience: I had a close cousin accused of raping a fifteen year old girl. So not as young as this girl, but still underage. My mother and I chose to believe her, his mother (my aunt) and the rest of my family chose to believe him. They kept insisting he wasn’t capable of rape. Turns out she

Seriously, you need to stop it. It doesn’t matter what her grandmother’s motivation was, JenisaurusRex is not obligated to try and understand why or to forgive her. I am seriously appalled that you’ve written several posts now that dismiss and guilt the OP for her feelings and you just. Keep. Going. Take your false

Yes. The specific movie Lawrence is discussing is American Hustle. The Sony leaks revealed her and Amy Adams were paid less than their male co-stars (Bradley Cooper, Jeremy Renner and Christian Bale), who were all paid the same amount.

Even if someone made the argument that Cooper was just as big a draw as Lawrence, that doesn’t explain why Jeremy Renner — who absolutely isn’t, by any stretch of the imagination, a bigger name than Lawrence — was still paid more. He made the same amount as Cooper did on American Hustle.