
THIS. And people in the photos have a right to protect their likeness. Sometimes models sign releases with photographers/artists giving them permission to use their likeness (so the photographers can either sell the photo or post it online), but a third party artist does not have the signed release, and therefore does

I LOVE Mother of London stuff! You guys are amazing!

It wasn’t pre-TLC. Before the show started, they were doing specials on the channel.

I’ll never forget my sister’s wedding when I was forced into the bouquet toss (familial pressure, sigh). I caught it, and then some other lady in the toss snatched that fucking thing out of my hand like a seagull stealing a deep fried haddock. Didn’t even apologize. I just let her have it. The bouquet toss is

Apparently an undisclosed victim wrote about the incident shortly after it happened, and put the note in a book. Years later, the book was loaned out to a member of the Duggars’ church. This is why the police were involved. They didn’t fess up about it until the information was already out in their community.

I wonder why this article and the In Touch article never mentioned that. It’s a pretty glaring omission.

Yep, her staff did post this one. The tweets Michelle herself writes end with “—mo”.

So many people starting on MyFitnessPal put in a goal of 2lb a week loss, and for a lot of (sedentary) women, the default calorie amount it gives to achieve that is 1200. It’s hugely unhealthy to eat such a little amount.

I read it. And I’m really not in the mood for this. Bye.

I’m really not sure what you’re getting at with this. Are you saying women of our generation have it worse than the Peggy Olsens? Because that’s what your posts sound like.

Yep. We still have a ways to go.

I wouldn’t compare the pressure that women have to cook and clean in today’s culture with the Mad Men culture of the 1950-60s that believed that was the only thing women should do. We have a long way to go still. But to say it’s expected on the same scale as 60 years ago is disingenuous.

I think it’s important to note, as the author has, that our generation is removed from the generation of Mad Men. Where our generation’s feminists can look at things like ironing, baking, etc and acknowledge that both men and women can perform this task, in our mother’s generation it was women’s work.

TL/DR- Cate is rude, plagiarizes assignments, and dumber than a box of hair.

I have to say though, she handled that really well. I probably would have freaked out.

I feel like accepting being overweight it’s a resignation to not try anymore to get healthier.

Uh, you might want to go back and look again at Game of Thrones. Michelle MacLaren is their only female director, and she’s done 4 episodes out of 50. And there is no episode in Season 5 directed or even written by a woman:…

The Americans does slightly better with a grand total

(I also really hope the SNP win doesn’t lead to another independence referendum in the next few years, as I think it would be super distracting and a waste of resources. Holyrod promised it to be a once in a generation thing, so there needs to be a 25 year minimum!)

Rowling got abuse because there was an organised Nationalist campaign to troll anyone on the Unionist side of the debate...