That’s the smell of hops from the breweries. Sometimes it mixes with the smoke and stone of the buildings to create a very distinctive smell. I, personally, think it’s very lovely.
That’s the smell of hops from the breweries. Sometimes it mixes with the smoke and stone of the buildings to create a very distinctive smell. I, personally, think it’s very lovely.
Totally agreed. Milliband reminds me a lot of John Kerry: obviously quite intelligent and rather inoffensive, with zero charisma or ability to sway undecided voters. His statement that he’d rather see the Tories in power again than form a coalition with the SNP was his nail in the coffin, and it seems like his party…
It makes sense, actually. People touch their faces an average of 3.6x per hour, and if men don’t wash their hands after using the toilet, they’re spreading fecal matter into their facial hair. And, perhaps more disconcerting, even if they do wash their hands, it’s hard to exist in this world without touching things…
You should send him this article!
I KNEW IT. I’m going to mention this every time Mr. Antoinette starts fantasizing about having a full beard again. Shave that nasty thing off.
They’re called “necklace lines”, and aren’t necessarily a sign of ageing or weight, though they do show up more often in older ladies. One of my friends had very pronounced necklace lines in her early 20s and she’s on the small side. More often, the lines are caused by sun exposure that damages the collagen and…
Holy shit WTF. I’m so sorry that happened to you.
What kind of nut, pardon the pun, counts calories? I mean adults should take some responsibility, eat healthy and exercise.
Ondine. A beautiful movie ruined by the worst third act I’ve ever seen.
I don’t get it either. It was such a bizarre comment to make.
UGH. Damn it!
My mom’s the same, and it’s very hard. She’s internalized a great deal of rape culture and patriarchal ideas of masculine and feminine roles and sometimes it’s very difficult to stay patient with her. Just last week we were discussing Clinton’s presidential run, and all my mom could contribute was, “Hillary is a…
She said right in her tweet that she wasn’t asked for a comment. She was watching the show with Bruce sitting right with her.
5’1” lady here. My tip: overhead press at the gym with the olympic bar, at least once a week; add weight as your strength builds. You’re working the same muscles as you would to get your bag into the overhead bin. I used to never, ever, ever be able to get my bags up until I did that lift, and now I find it really…
Sometimes things can really change the older you get. I have experience with both a sibling being close to me in age, and another sibling being much older.
I think in Shelly Duval’s case, she was sick during some of the filming and he’s like (editorializing) listen bitch, I’m making a fucking movie and I’m not standing for your shit.
Where did you hear that? I just heard that they were struggling with the distance and their (really super busy) work schedules. Must have been easier when they were both working on Spider Man.
Agreed — I’ve noticed they bring up the Catholic Church a lot, too.
That was the feeling I got from the OT VIII level participants in Going Clear. The very clear sense of, “Wait a minute. WHAT???” and then feeling very stupid. Paul Haggis first thought it was a test, like: if you believe this nonsense, we’ll kick you out of the church. But NOPE.
I don’t think other religions would protest. There is no love for Scientology outside of Scientology. But I do think the church would start wire-tapping and suing again and the IRS probably figures now — like they did then — that it just isn’t worth the trouble. Which is bullshit.