
I do believe churches should have to pay taxes, but I always side-eye the posts that insist on getting into conversations about how Other Churches Are Evil, Too, because derailing arguments is classic Scientology behavior when it comes to dealing with church criticism. (See: their recent campaign against the

Apparently Jenna Miscavige Hill had NO IDEA about Xenu until she saw this episode.

Ugh, I’m so sorry that happened to you. :(

:( I want to hug middle school you and current you and just hugs hugs hugs. Middle school kids can be fucking monsters.

NOPE. It looks awful.

This is her at the same event (Oscars) and you can clearly see that her lipstick was lined above her lip line to make them look fuller.

Purely anecdotal, but: my grandmother is 78 goddamn years old and she still goes on starvation diets. She’s super obsessed about her weight and always has been. So, at least for some people, the insecurity stays with them.

I’ve never been on Nexplanon, but I have a friend who has it, and she’s experiencing some of the symptoms you’ve described. Not the painful sex, but certainly the libido. If your libido was fine before going on it, it’s a good bet it’s the BC.

I went off hormonal BC in January when I had the Paragard (non-hormonal IUD) put in. At that point, I had been on hormonal forms of birth control since I was 16 (so, 13 years); I went from the depo shot to the pill. The depo shot worked just fine for a few years, and then it just...didn’t anymore. It caused really bad

I’m endlessly curious about their excuse for pulling him over in photo 2, since he wasn’t even driving.

I don’t think they’ll cast white people. Disney’s track record isn’t perfect, but this is a Chinese story and it won’t work with white actors and I think (hopefully!) they know that.


I will take blatant remakes of stories where women are the leads over the exhausting number of franchises starring men. Disney is one of the few studios that sees the value in movies starring women and made largely for female audiences while the rest of Hollywood dismisses us as a “niche” audience. I really don’t care

YES. Honestly, I can't wait. Mulan has always been my favourite Disney heroine.

What's with that indifferent headline? Mulan is fucking awesome. I will watch the shit out of this.

From what I recall, the information Wright wrote into his book had to be unimpeachable. At every stage, there were lawyers from the Church of Scientology absolutely prepared to sue Wright and his publishers and basically break them with costly litigation (his UK publisher dropped the book on their lawyer's advice

I'm an asshole if my husband tries to play the, "But I don't knoooowwwww hoooooowww you might get maaaad at meeee" game with me. I tell him, "Then I will stand right here and instruct you like a child."

I'll probably be raked across the coals by John Green fans, but I'm just going to say it: this film looks terrible. I cringed through the whole trailer.

Because people who genuinely aren't cheating don't immediately get defensive (IE: How could you SAY THAT? Don't you TRUST ME?). They ask, "What am I doing that makes you assume I'm cheating?" Because if anyone in the relationship is coming to the conclusion that their partner must be cheating, it's often for a reason.

Are you me???? My mom took me to WW when I was 10 goddamn years old, too. I'm seriously convinced that if my mom had either left me alone or started packing me healthier school lunches/made healthier dinners without comment, I would have turned out fine. As it was, the obsession with my weight from age 8 on really