
A huge part of the problem was that despite how controversial Wakefield's paper was upon its release, it took SIX YEARS for information about his misconduct and falsification to become public. In that time, he held press conferences about the dangers of MMR that only fuelled public paranoia. Despite the fact that it's

Oh thank goodness. You have no idea how relieved I am to hear that.

Whoa, where'd you learn anthropology? Because I have a PhD in anthro, and we were basically taught, "Pay no attention to the evo psych crazies."

I received yard punishment myself, and definitely tested it with, "Well, I just WON'T DO IT THEN!" My dad's solution was to say, "Fine, then you will stay outside without food until the yardwork is done. If you need water, drink from the hose." Then he'd shut the screen door and lock it, so he could still see me and

I'd say, from my experience, there were a lot more damsels — but I agree in that the good heroines were often on bigger adventures. It's a trade off between that and the really overly aggressive male heroes in those books. I don't mind a quiet romance novel, so I'm OK with how the trend is now, but I'd definitely like

My husband can't feel my IUD. I hear some men can, and I told him that if he did, I'd go and get the strings shortened. But no issue at all there thus far, and I just got mine in January.

Oh! Sorry, I didn't realize.

This definitely isn't exactly what you're talking about, but Trip Advisor (whilst flawed, as any online review site is) allows owners to respond to their reviews. I've seen instances of restaurants with otherwise glowing reviews responding to their handfuls of 1-stars saying, "I remember you... this and this happened.

There's always going to be problematic romances out there (especially the older ones, which can veer into pretty rapey relationships, like Woodiwiss's work), but I've definitely noticed a huge surge in feminist romance in the last decade or so. Books like Fifty Shades of Grey aside, I'm seeing a lot less "alpha" type

EXACTLY. I got into romance a long time ago because I appreciated it as the one piece of media I could consume that didn't disparage the female gaze, and it was welcoming. The Femsplain article shows such ignorance about how far romance has come as a genre. Feminism has had a huge impact on the stories women are

I think they've been more careful since Sarah Palin. But if they're not, you can bet the Dems will dig up whatever dirt they can.

I don't know that Christie's reputation would survive the rigorous vetting process and the mudslinging involved in a presidential election. Something tells me Bridgegate was the tip of the iceberg with this guy. I feel like the Republicans know that, too.

These things always come down to taste. What kind were you reading, and what kind are you interested in?

I own a lot of romance novels, and Fabio is on maybe 3 of them. But what I really, really didn't like about the original article (on Femsplain) was this:

My feelings about Leonardo DiCaprio come entirely from how he is with Kate Winslet. I can't help it; I love these two.

Sounds like Kathy Griffin to me.

She didn't. This is from Kelly's twitter, and she sounded pretty pissed about the whole thing:

What was the context? Because I took it to mean that his wife was his The One, and he gave up on their marriage, and it drove her away.


Omg I thought I was the only one who thought this sounded like Pascal. It has the same snippy, tone deaf attitude as her emails.