In what universe does any actual fucking learning happen when one watches anything on The Learning Channel?
In what universe does any actual fucking learning happen when one watches anything on The Learning Channel?
And you know that if a woman did end up shooting a guy in the head for trying to rape her, asshole internet people would argue she only used rape as an excuse to murder him.
Courtney Milan is good people and deserves all the success in the world. Her books are wonderful. I can't recommend them enough!
I don't disagree, but I've also read plenty of terrible erotica and not one of them minced words. This is the worst kind of erotica: badly written and boring.
James says that she kept the books "coyly written" because "women don't like salacious slang she felt uncomfortable writing it."
Can someone please explain Jezebel's raging boner for this guy, because I don't get it.
I'm so sorry for what happened to your mom. And I'm so sorry that some people here have chosen to respond to your mother's murder with tactless commentary that sympathizes with her killer rather than you.
This is one of my favourite pictures by Avedon. The snake's tongue just makes it.
I was actually wondering if Taylor-Johnson's ending is a subtle nod to the criticisms of how horribly this movie portrays a BDSM relationship. Like her using "red" at the end shows that she's learned and that she's in control. Rather than "stop", which isn't the safe word.
I really, really do think Taylor-Johnson assumed she would get some input from James, but that James would ultimately bow to her wishes. It seems like she wanted this movie to be smarter than the book (If you look at the article about the ending especially, it indicates this), like a more explicit Secretary. We'll…
So you're totally OK with the fact that the publisher hasn't bothered to speak with her personally, given her lawyer's shady history? You don't see any problem with the fact that Lee isn't being given a voice and that her narrative is being controlled by someone else?
I remember that story. It was harrowing how much of a disconnect her husband had between his online behavior and what she described as his offline personality. And that he didn't want to stop.
No, people are concerned because Harper Lee is one of our greatest living authors, who is elderly, and has been taken advantage of in the past. It shouldn't be such a big deal to request that the publisher at least make an attempt to actually speak with the author of the work they're going to publish to make certain…
I think it's the short haired brunette. She's crossing her arms, so the (not pictured) arm came to rest on the other girl's shoulders. Still looks like a random hand, though.
Like I said, until we have a definite accusation coming from someone, or something more solid than 'Well, that not how she USED to act' I'm going to assume that Harper Lee is a fully functional adult who can change her damn mind if she pleases.
They talked to her lawyer, who is really shady. Her agent took advantage of her, too. The fact that no one — NO ONE — is making an effort to speak with Lee personally has me raising both eyebrows.
Jack Nicholson is a pretty well-documented sleazeball, though. I can't recall any IRL evidence of Cooper being one.
A+ gif use.
I wouldn't say as an editor, but I do think they critiqued each other's work. But I don't believe Capote has the personality type to ever allow someone else to gain both professional and financial success off of his own work, even if he did view her as a sister. That's ludicrous.