
And Truman Capote wasn't the kind of man who would let another person be credited with writing a bestselling, Pulitzer Prize winning novel.

I guess that's the thing: Lee thought she could trust these people. What happens when the people you trusted betray you, but you don't have the mental faculties to realize it?

I recently wanted to splurge on some new gym clothes, so I looked at Lululemon and Under Armour. And honestly, Under Armour not only has cuter stuff (so much more color!), but it's way cheaper.

The anti-vaxxers that scare me are the ones who get forged Dr notes saying their child has been vaccinated when they haven't been.

I met a 12-year-old Lindsay Lohan on the set of the Parent Trap, at the same time my mom met Dina Lohan, also on set. Lindsay was really nice to me. Kind of shy at first, but she let me touch the hair extensions she wore as Annie because they looked so real and I had to know what they felt like (my defense is that I

I am puzzled by 911's FIRST question being "What kind of gun did you shoot yourself with?" Like, what? Does it fucking matter? I've been SHOT!

My total gross for The Fly was meant to illustrate that it, absolutely, was not an example of a movie that flew under the radar. A 3m gross for the 1950s was hugely successful. And secondly, The Thing's performance at the box-office has historically been attributed — correctly so — to going up against ET. The only

YES. This is one of those instances where his hotness level substantially increases with a beard. He looks like he's fifteen without one.

Wow, IMDB ratings! You sure showed me.

So they weren't well known to YOU, so you're discounting them.

The Fly? The Thing? The Departed? Oceans 11? All fantastic remakes.

I think Hawn's legs are a product of sun damage. Too long out in the sun and your skin starts producing more melanin to protect itself; the uneven production of melanin can create a bit of a patchy appearance. Notice how smooth her face is, but then her chest is less so? I'm guessing she wears (wore?) a hat while

My grandmother is 6 years older than Goldie Hawn and she has white cropped grandma hair and looks like this:

"Blink-182 life. For life"

I just wanted to say: thank you for being patient with her. Vaginismus is so difficult to deal with, and the support of a partner is absolutely essential in combating it. She's very lucky to have you.

Fuck these assholes for wasting time, tax dollars, and energy on this.

I got very anti-Obama, very Republican dad to be silent about the whole abortion issue when I ranted about how Republicans will never win with their scary ass VP's who are anti-women reproductive rights. They don't want sex-ed in schools, or affordable access to birth control, or access to abortions, but they want to


I'm very confused as to how one would put this jacket on.

Planned Parenthood is a life saver. I donate every chance I get.