
My parents were always super awkward about sex. They both grew up in deeply, deeply religious households, and while they raised us to be non-religious, I don't think they quite got over their If You Have Sex Before Marriage, You're a Sinning Sinner That Sins upbringing. So with us kids, I think they just chose not to

If you're doing low weights and high reps, definitely give high weights and low reps a try. I started out with low weight training (incidentally, the kind Jillian Michaels uses in her videos) and moved to higher weights and found it enormously helpful. Maybe give New Rules of Lifting For Women a try and see how it

Can I ask: are you doing any weight training? Heavy lifting, etc? I've lost 50+ lbs so far (trying to lose 20 more) doing both cardio for fat loss and lifting heavy to condition muscles, and that's supposed to help a lot with excess skin during loss. So far I don't have any excess skin, so it seems to be helping.

It seemed to be all about THEM, how embarrassed they were to have a hoarder in the family, why they couldn't just nag and shame their hoarder into compliance.

Tell me about it. I've been commenting here for months and have never made it out of the greys. Kinja is the worst.

I also had a breast reduction and it was the BEST decision I ever made.

I'm just basically liking all of your comments because your thoughts are mine right now. What is going on in these comments? I don't get this piling on Amal Clooney for...what? Being successful? Marrying George? I don't get it!

I loved Gone Girl, but I don't think I could handle another story with these two characters. Man, they are both assholes.

I would rather binge watch every season of Keeping Up With the Kardashians than hear another sentence from Charlie Sheen.

The unfortunate thing is: women's bodies are so uniquely different that any birth control method has a lot of horror stories. But IUDs also have so many intensely positive ones that I just felt like if it did work for me — AMAZING, because Paragard lasts 10 years. So I figured it was worth it to give it a shot.

The Mirena (which is what Jia got) is a hormonal IUD, but the Paragard is hormone-free. I get really depressed on hormonal BC too, so I got a Paragard.

I'm so sorry to hear about your sister. The copper IUD (Paragard) is a good option if you're worried about the hormones. It's a non-hormonal method of contraception, and it lasts 10 years.

Just be careful on the Depo, okay? Women are advised to take it for 5 years, but I took it longer because it worked so well for me. Then it killed my libido, and I went through the worst depression of my life until I stopped taking it and my hormones went back to normal. If you've been on it a few years already, it

maybe I'm just misjudging how much her business has dropped off, but if someone owned a business for 30 years, you would think they would have some money saved to cover the down times.

I remember when Angelina Jolie was cast as Colin Farrell's mother in that terrible Alexander movie. She's only 1 year older than he is.

$500 is a lot to spend on a fish, but the most interesting thing about this story is that the vet knew how to treat a constipated goldfish. That's amazing!

This gif is EVERYTHING.

Does the fact that Obama is black mean he's not allowed to eat anything more expensive than Kraft mac and cheese because to do otherwise would somehow be letting the side down?

Call these parents bigots all you want, slander their inability to accept their daughter's choices, pay out their religious beliefs, but don't make assumptions that they "didn't love her".

I find this all very funny coming from someone whose handle includes "McDickhole." It's a fairly accurate descriptor for you, I'd say.