
No. We are not obligated to feel sympathy for parents who decided to completely isolate their child and then send her to therapy designed to shame her into submission. No. NO. I'm judging this lady and Leelah's father hard because instead of making any effort to understand what their child was going through, they

YES!!! A Week To Be Wicked is one of the best romance novels I read in 2014, hands DOWN.

A fourteen year old of any gender identity is a teenager, with a teenage brain/body/heart/experience that is in a stage of development where they are figuring stuff out.

I am absolutely ashamed that I confided in him that I wanted him to meditate on this, believing it was potentially a phase.

I'm so glad you wrote this because I devoured Sarah Maclean's backlist this year and adored every book of hers I read. I was so pleased to find out Chase was a woman — and Georgiana to boot! Never Judge a Lady by Her Cover was such an excellent end to the Rules of Scoundrels and I can't wait to see what she writes

Leelah Alcorn left one last note to her parents on her Tumblr; it's in her note "Sorry" where she apologizes to her friends. And right now it echoes my thoughts perfectly:

Maybe it would have been OK if she had just one adult in her life who accepted her and who understood. Trans women who are role-models can only help so much. She had the added obstacle of having unsupportive parents who believed she was broken and needed to be "fixed", and who used religion as a justification. For a

For people who realize they're trans women early on, getting early hormone blockers can impede typical male characteristics from developing during puberty: low, deep voices; change in facial and body structure, adams apple, and body and facial hair is a huge one. So transitioning to a woman later is "easier" because

I was never that feminist girl demanding equality, but maybe that's because I've never really faced inequality.

Fair enough. I am a professional photographer and while I agree that they're not terribly philosophical, they're technically very good. They're interesting to look at. They're well done. But that seems to be the style: they are, on their most fundamental level, advertisements. And perhaps it's not your style of art,

I don't think she's going for deep art; it looks to me like she's highlighting her crafts and dessert-making skills in a creative way. Maybe she could do it with other subjects, but why should she have to? I guess I don't understand why it is that whenever an attractive, talented woman's work goes viral — and it just

Yep, I know! The Britney Spears confusion is just baffling, though!

''At the airport a woman mistook me for Anne Hathaway.

This sounds good in theory, but I can picture the huge arguments that will break out over someone disliking a status update or a link posted. "I posted this and YOU DISLIKED IT EXPLAIN WHY." I figure enough fights happen over, "You didn't friend me!" that a dislike button would only add to the walking around on

Does she read YA books? I know it seems silly, but reading has been shown to increase empathy, and more and more YA books are showing acceptance toward homosexuality. It might influence her the other way.

This is my solution of choice, too, and it's one of the things Franchesca Ramsey suggests in her (very on point!) video. :)

When her problems turned into drug using, her father turned her out and ostracized her.

It didn't take a month for someone to notice those passages. I've seen people talking about them since the day the book came out. Dipshit.

I don't understand why the movie was done by picking her up a lot and carrying her around a lot of sets. They could have just had her wander around one set, interspersed clips into the movie and it would have been about the same quality and it would have been easier for her.

She was with him for some time and must have done something to him since he himself said that she had sex with him.