
She wasn't cursing AT her son, though. Look, I get your point, but I don't agree with it. My mom loves me more than this world, but when I was an asshole as a child, I can totally imagine her telling her friends I was being a "little shit", because I was. You have no idea how she talks to her own child and you're

And this is where you need grandparents who are committed to being an active part of raising grandkids. I don't see why that is frowned upon or dismissed. The deal is your parent help you raise your kids and you help raise your grandkids.

I know not everyone is like this (#notallstayathomekids!). But I think an entitled individual is what the OP is trying to describe. A guy so entitled that he's completely reliant on the support of someone else (in this case, his parents). Guys like that exist, I know this anecdotally, which is why I shared. And that

I don't know why everyone is piling on about this, and all the responses seem to be misunderstanding your use of "completely dependent." Because I know exactly what you mean.

Ahhh sorry I see your point.

I agree. This is definitely just the tip of the iceberg here.

How many is that now? I've been trying to keep track, but I lost count.

Last I checked, witness statements were admissible evidence. And I think the fact that fifteen different people have accused the same person of the same crime speaks volumes. Just like the fact that you think fifteen different women would lie about rape for fifteen minutes of fame speaks volumes about you. You are the

No. I'm not working off the idea that I know him. I'm pointing out that, as an abuse survivor, he's in a unique position to understand the situation this woman is in and that I'm struggling to understand why he thought — as someone who has been through something similar — that this was OK to ask. I don't know him, I'm

I don't understand why I can't think he's an asshole for both reasons.

No one is taking Cosby to trial right now; the statute of limitations on these cases have passed. These women have no monetary incentive to make these claims. Janice Dickinson already has money. There is literally nothing to be gained from them accusing a man like Cosby — who hasn't been relevant in a very long time —

I don't know what's not believable about her story. She is one of now 15 women claiming to be sexually assaulted by Mr. Cosby. There's no reason not to believe her, and she describes the same method of assault (drugged, later raped) as the other women, including Ms. Dickinson's account which just came out today.

Someone pointed out that perhaps this is a question he asks himself, and...well, maybe it is. I can't armchair analyse how Mr. Lemon has dealt with his past sexual abuse, but yes, it does puzzle me how he thought this was appropriate — not just as a journalist, but as a fellow survivor.

I'm so sorry you went through that. Nothing to add, I just wanted to say so.

It's relevant in that I feel like he should have understood why that question was inappropriate. It doesn't take much to ask one's self, how would I feel if someone asked me this question about my own sexual assault history? "Why didn't you?" Well, why didn't you, Don Lemon? It's an inappropriate question for a

The most shocking? disturbing? sad? part of all of this is that Don Lemon is a survivor of childhood sexual abuse. He wrote about it in his memoir Transparent. So for him to even broach this line of questioning with another survivor of sexual abuse shows such an extreme disconnect to me. I don't understand.

I was wondering the same.

Kara, you didn't include this gem: