
See, here's the thing. You had an angry emotional response to his behavior and responded accordingly. This girl thought for 10-15 minutes about stabbing her sister and proceeded to do so 40 times. That's premeditation right there, and that isn't the sign of someone "caught in the moment," but an actual serious intent

It isn't clear whether the teen meant to kill her younger sister . . .

Yeahhhh good point about it being in front of a teen panel. Even I'd switch to a bottle then (wouldn't they have water available to authors?).

I think you are severely overestimating how much people pay for merchandising and movie rights. And none of this means anything if they don't even get credit for their work. Hell, even ghost writers make more money than this.

James Frey, is that you?!

They pay off their student loans and have finished and sold a book to a publisher.

Holly sat on the panel - a Young Adult panel - openly drinking from a flask and advocating that all teenagers should go live on the streets of New York for a while because it's such an Amazing Experience. To say I found that distasteful and irresponsible would be kind.

Why is anyone surprised? The book is entirely about the sexual relationship between the two lead characters and nothing else. It is completely devoid of any plot in favour of sex scenes. Which is precisely why they actually had to invent a plot for the movie and dial back the sex — if they didn't, they would have been

He had to lose a lot of weight for the Dallas Buyers Club, and like anyone who loses as much weight as he did for that (38lbs), it's actually very dangerous to gain it back quickly again, and I believe he filmed TD quite soon after. So that's why he looks so thin.

Yeaaah she's been in some pretty bad stuff. I'm hoping the success of Frozen will open up more opportunities for her, because I think she's a really charming actress (and human being).

In comparison to Vogue's usual butchering of photographs so they don't even look remotely like the actresses in the original photo, yes, absolutely, this is so tame it's not even news. The biggest deal here is that they paid 10k for the photos.

I think Vogue half did that on purpose "we won't shop Lena as much as the others, that way, when we get called out, we'll have a bunch of people say 'well compared to usual, blah blah blah'..."

The pile on has to do with the fact that they paid $10,000 for these images. We can agree to disagree on whether or not this is considered "a lot" of photoshopping. Frankly, compared to the Faith Hill Redbook example, it's pretty tame. Lena Dunham is still recognizable as Lena Dunham, and Vogue has photoshopped plenty

Seriously? Compared to that horrid Redbook example with Faith Hill? Or any of the other Vogue covers where the actresses have been photoshopped past the point of recognition? Lena Dunham still looks like Lena Dunham. That is still Lena Dunham's body. That's still her face. All they photoshopped was a bunch of shit

What is not a good thing is when the magazine decides to take that woman and tweak her appearance enough such that she's "acceptable" for the cover.

In the end, while Dunham's images were not drastically altered, it's important to remember how unforgiving the media is when it comes to images of women.

Cara is being silent because she's saving all her words for the tell all.

Holy shit, Angela Bassett. Excuse me, I'm just going to go cry in a corner because I will never look that good.

She was whiny before the trauma, though. I loved her in season 1, but then season 2 rolled around and I wondered what the hell the show's writers did to her.

Hahahaha! That's perfect!