Well, unfortunately I can't avoid my aunts and uncles forever.
Well, unfortunately I can't avoid my aunts and uncles forever.
As I already responded to a few other people: if they're crazy enough to be offended because you didn't want to friend them in the first place, they're crazy enough to make you feel bad because you "don't post enough," because you've made it so they can't see your posts. To reiterate: Facebook = Nightmare.
I do. And I don't know about anyone else, I then get guilted for "not posting enough" because they can't see my post. Facebook is crazy-making.
Then they guilt you for not posting enough, because they can't see your statuses. There's no winning with the people that Take Facebook Seriously, unfortunately. :(
Yep. The way I see it, many of the people who are still on Facebook are just the original users, who are now in their late 20s-30s and married with kids.
I don't know about teens, but that unfriending or ignoring requests part has caused a lot of tension and awkward conversations in my family. "Why won't you friend me on Facebook?" "Umm....it's just close friends." "So I'm not a friend? You don't love me?" People take Facebook very personally. Not friending them…
They're like modern day Fitzgeralds, with better money management. Honestly, I love Gaiman's writing, though I find him less tolerable as a person since marrying Palmer. As for Palmer, I find her blog, her twitter, and her music to be grating in the extreme. And her constant bids for attention (Boston City Bomber…
You are my kind of friend! Cheese and crackers is the best drunk food.
Really excited about this! But god, that music ruined the scene for me. So loud and whiny and I just wanted it to shut up so I could hear pretty Tobias talk.
Ah yes, the defense of racists everywhere: when you get called out on your racism, deny everything by either using the "black friend" excuse, or by claiming it was all a joke.
Angora does not require skinning the rabbit to wear. Sometimes the fur is brushed off and spun, and sometimes it is clipped off. But since the rabbits have hair that grows overly long, they need to be clipped down or they'll overheat. It's akin to buying wool, not pelts.
If people refuse to do more after a bunch of small children die in a mass shooting, it's never going to happen. When over 90% of the US public agrees with common sense firearms background checks and such a measure is thrown from the legislative process by a bunch of NRA enthusiasts, it's never going to happen. It…
I'm a 90's kid, and Lisa Frank stuff was everywhere when I was in elementary school. I had her coloring books and a unicorn Trapper Keeper, myself.
Ooomf that picture. She is beyond beautiful.
Do the men of the Michigan legislature not care? Are they actual heartless robots or sociopaths incapable of empathizing with real women, choosing instead to relate to unseen theoretical fetuses?
I don't think that is a "face she pulls." I'm pretty sure that's just her face.
The point is, did Jezebel have a similarly rah-rah post when Bush pledged $15 billion (a lot more than 100 million) to fighting AIDS?
That's what I got, too! I remember being really surprised, because up until that point, I'd been getting the same birth control with no problem at my heavier weights (200lbs+) before I lost. My Dr told me that the information was new, and that their new policy was to refuse the pill for anyone 165+ and recommend the…
Yes. I actually had one Dr who said that if I gained weight (I was 160 at the time and steadily losing) she wouldn't give me the birth control I was on anymore because it lost effectiveness over a certain weight.