
Yep. People get chis because of the cute-and-tiny-accessory thing, and don't seem to get beforehand that they are incredibly needy, and have a lot of energy which includes yapping at pretty much everything. My mom has rescued three chis, my uncle has rescued five, and I love them all to death, but they are very

Yep. People get chis because of the cute-and-tiny-accessory thing, and don't seem to get beforehand that they are incredibly needy, and have a lot of energy which includes yapping at pretty much everything. My mom has rescued three chis, my uncle has rescued five, and I love them all to death, but they are very

I'm really glad to see Hugh Jackman posted about this. Not enough people think about skin cancer, or get their marks looked at until its too late. My dad had a mole on his back that my mother badgered him to get checked out, and it was also a basal cell carcinoma (like Hugh's). So get your moles looked at, people!

Jolie is FIERCE, but Elle Fanning's accent is so atrocious. Not quite Kristin Stewart levels of bad, but almost.

I know! I was reading articles this weekend, thinking, "Yes! Burt! Give me all the Burt articles!" Until I read some of this one, side-eyed it, and scrolled up. Yep, Doug Barry. I am STILL unhappy over the fact that he turned Chris Brown's rape into a joke, and then Erin was the one who ultimately issued the apology.

Honestly, I've only heard good things about Tom Cruise by people who have met him. He comes off as very personable, friendly, and even thoughtful. Of course, it could all be his public persona, and maybe in private he's a jerk — I don't know. But if it's true, he's been able to put on quite a good act for like 25

Bruce Willis. He had a damn good career in the 80s and is still popular, still staring as an action lead, in very successful films. Look at the man's filmography, and you'll notice that EVERY YEAR since 1988, with the exception of 2001, he's starred in multiple movies. Even Cruise doesn't have that career trajectory.

Yep. My aunts loved to pull out the Great Grandma Cherokee Indian fable, too. Then my mom did a DNA test. Guess what? Not so much as a lick of Native American showed up in the results. It was all European white. I laughed and laughed.

I agree with this, and it kinda makes sense since (I believe) she was a screenwriter first. She did episodes of Clarissa Explains It All! :)

God, I hate Terry Richardson, but the second to the last picture of POTUS is RAWWWWR hot.

I still can't get over how different he looked way back when!

I always get the impression that the people who dismiss YA books as intellectually inferior are the same people who dismiss teens as being "selfish, entitled, superficial, and lazy." They can't possibly comprehend the appeal of teen literature because they don't consider teens to be complex human beings with complex

The Book Thief, The Book Thief, The Book Thief. Get thee to a bookstore! It is amazing.

I'm not one to cry out "just jealous!" willy nilly, but daaaamn those tweets just scream it, don't they?

No... they didn't have a relationship after Spike tried raping Buffy in the bathroom. They had me up until that point, but I'm glad the writers didn't ignore how that affected their relationship even though he was soulless when he did it.

Thank you for writing this, Erin. I was really appalled by Doug's post, and if I'm entirely honest, I think he should be the one to write a post in apology.

In my (purely anecdotal) experience, those types are the same. Anti-vax, anti-gluten. Uniformed.

Reading non-standard literature is still uninformed. It propagates a lack of knowledge of how vaccines work, or the belief that vaccines cause autism from research that's now been a proven hoax. Uninformed. Stupid.

My response was to what Doug said, not the researchers. I realise there is a high correlation.

My point was that it's a generalisation to say that everyone who opts out of vaccinating their children are rich. It is, however, not a generalisation that they are stupid or uninformed. Because they are. They are putting people's lives at risk because they are either stupid or uninformed. There's the facts. How much