THANK YOU actually for posting this, because I'm looking for advice.
THANK YOU actually for posting this, because I'm looking for advice.
Oh, did I mention he's in school and I'm the breadwinner until May of next year?
Hey hey congrats on your cover! That's excellent news! (Even if the breakup is utter sadness, and all the e-hugs to you. )
I think that covertly disposing of someone else's property, even if that person is your child, is wrong. It teaches that person that their property is meaningless, even if they purchased it with their own money. She could be using it as a teaching moment, as an opportunity to have a conversation with her daughter, and…
She had me going, "Eh, okay. I can see that," until she mentioned that she gives away her daughter's clothes that her daughter buys with her own money if it doesn't fit the household "clothing standard." Oh my god, no, no, no, no. Have a chat about it, insist that the girl wear leggings underneath the dress, but…
Really powerful. Really. The pictures are so striking.
You can eat less, but the best solution is to eat less and eat better. In 2010, I gained quite a lot of weight after my husband and I moved to a different city. I was already overweight, but I gained an extra 30lbs or so on top of it. None of my clothes fit. I always thought I knew what healthy foods were, and I…
I'm just guessing. But it sounds to me like that very hard moment a person goes through when their friend is in an abusive relationship: when you you've done everything you could to convince them to get out of it, but they go back to their partner. And all you can do is stand on the sidelines while they get hurt.…
It read: "'You know I would never disrespect you. I'm not that person. 'I'm just trying to be a friend to him but it is unfortunate that I do have a set of tits.'"
Being not terribly schooled in make up — does anyone know what that spray was at the end?
Girl, you are me. I once broke down crying to Mr. Antoinette about how hard I have to work to lose weight because my body just likes to store its fat. I was counting 1200 calories a day (after eating back the cals I lost during exercise, and it's generally fine for a very short girl like me) via MyFitnessPal, and my…
That's perspective. The guy is clearly standing a few feet away, so the bat is actually quite small. Incidentally, this is the same effect Peter Jackson used in Lord of the Rings to make the hobbits look so small in comparison to every other character.
All the hugs to you, because I know exactly how you feel. One of the more difficult parts of my recovery was admitting to my husband all of the emotional issues I had with food, and getting his support. I'm still not over my food issues — and I don't think I'll be for a long time — but it is a relief that he's now…
They don't criticize my weight anymore because I've lost, but that's something I'd say now if I hadn't. But at age 10, all I could do was cry. It was horrible. :(
That was me in my family. "Do you really need that cookie?" became a constant struggle with me feeling like I didn't "deserve" food, and then feeling guilty for eating it. It created an incredibly unhealthy emotional connection to eating that would not have been there if my parents had simply chosen healthier options…
Oh my god, is that what happened? All I remember (I was really young when I read them) was her bleeding all over the floor of the ballet studio and Young Me going, "AHHH WHAT JUST HAPPENED?"
There were literally no redeeming qualities in any of the characters in My Sweet Audrina, other than Audina. Even Arden turned out to be a complete wanker.
Because Greek yoghurt is an ANYTHING food! You can have it for breakfast with fruit and honey. Or you can mix it with garlic powder, onion powder, salt, a bit of milk and a bit of low-fat mayo for homemade lightened up ranch dressing for salads. Or you can use it in a base for a lot of sauces. OR you can mix a ton of…
I have to say, I'm a bit dismayed by the negativity for LDRs in the comments, people regarding them as if they aren't "real" relationships.
As someone who was in a long distance relationship for 4 years (and who finally settled with that man and we've now been married 6 years), I am going to have to say, very respectfully, that you are full of shit.