
After Kate Middleton gives birth, I wonder how long the tabloids will wait until they print the first, "Kate Trying Desperately to Get Pre-Baby Body Back! TERRIFIED of losing Wills!" headline. A week? Shall we take bets?

But he's absolutely breathtaking!

As a former very overweight lady, now currently just chubby from weight loss, I can say this: I've found how very, very easy it is to become obsessed with health and exercise.

I do think it's very interesting that the movie so many children loved (Mary Poppins) was so hated by the author. The trailer looks so Disney-esque that I wonder how they'll end it — whether they'll tell the truth (Travers was so affronted that she refused to let Disney adapt the other books in Mary Poppins's story),

Oh, thank god. *clings*

Too true, too true. I indulged a bit more than usual after the flea market abortions article.

But it would have been impressive writing if she were 11, I have to say!

Yes! Too much wine = reading comprehension fail. ;)

Oh THANK YOU! I was so confused! Drank a bit too much wine here, methinks!

Prurient? My, that's one precocious 11-year-old!*

Oh, this brought back memories for me! In high school, I had huge breasts. Huge. I'm short, petite, small waisted, and those things made me look about 20lbs heavier than I actually was.

She's joining Fox and Friends?

Oh, I know that. But this isn't an antique bed, so made for modern flat-sleepers it seems terribly odd.

Not just small, but short! Like Mr Antoinette's feet would hang off it.

Basically what I got from this is that Mike Huckabee really wants to be a polygamist now that gay marriage is legal.

Thank you so much!

I'm so sorry about your struggles, too. HUGS. And congrats on your muscle gain, that's excellent!

Yeah, that was a bit strange, too. Both GPs check my blood pressure. In the past, I've had a tendency of high blood pressure in the Drs office — because I get really stressed out before I go. They put me on an at-home monitor, and everything was fine when I went about normally. And during my trip to the GPs on

I've made known my preference for the non-weighing nurse in the past, but they tend to assign me to whichever is in the office during my week between birth control cycles.

I wish I could, but they tend to just assign me to whichever nurse is on duty. I usually go during my week between birth control cycles, and I think they rotate weekly, too. :(