One does not simply live beyond the first movie/season
One does not simply live beyond the first movie/season
"because really, how would we be able to propel ourselves with a rocket?"
The fold in his shirt makes it say "THE PHANTOM PIN"
Most likely, thanks to the simplicity of the AI, somebody found a way to game it into doing this. It's more going to show that the AI isn't nearly as complex as Maxis has been claiming than anything else.
What's more troubling to me is the fact that a lot of these people are using some sort of bug or glitch to *fix* the supposed triple A title, enabling things like permanent offline play without any negative impact.
You're right. We should move on to other issues talked about in this article. Such as 'Population count now shows REAL figure, not the "artificially inflated" figure. My large cities have a population of about 15k now, not 100k'
This looks like a far less complex version of the game I made through a total of 2 weeks in my free time after college(I have a video of it here:
While Americans *have* killed civilians, it's generally not been purposeful(there are singular exceptions, but none on the large scale of something like, say, 9/11). I'm guessing your argument against that will be that we have only the words of the people perpetrating these attacks as to their goals. However, a quick…
Your entire comment has, as a necessary requirement, that they actually succeed and use the online capabilities for what they claimed they would be used for. The former didn't happen and all signs point to the latter being false.
"Granted, I know we're talking about 20,000 agents vs. 500, but wasn't that what the cloud system was supposed to address?
"We're the gamers, the dorks. We're the ones who were on our computers during prom. We're the ones that were in the back of the lunch room who were playing D&D instead of tossing a football around on the quad. We were supposed to be the open, friendly ones, the ones who welcomed all into our wonderful geeky circle."
A: Great, thank you for voicing your opinion. This article was not about you.
Sure, if you want to make shitty games that are forever stuck in the past.
You removed reverent? Uh oh, here come momma Catholic Church and daddy LDS to give you a whoopin'
Goto must have considered that statement harmful.
Fair enough, so multiply those numbers by 2-4 ish.
I got mine at Amazon. Had to wait a couple weeks though.
In theory, yes. It would. Though, honestly, that shouldn't be all that surprising. Kenway's storyline should take place some time around 1730-1740, meaning you have ~14-15 generations between then and now. Assuming an average of 2 children per generation, that splits off into ~16000-32000 modern people who have…