
Well, considering that *your statement right there* completely changed what he said... fairly easily?

So, upon hearing this comment by Garriott, there were two possible things people could focus on: 1) This man's individual games or 2) The issue of having shitty game designers, which results in shitty games.

"If he didn't feel that "All game designers today suck" then he should have not say that"

Well, I doubt you'll ever see this move beyond smaller games. The big publishers won't like the risk here, as bad experiences during this could easily turn into lost sales from people who otherwise wouldn't have found out the game was bad until after they bought it

If you're trying to make a point there, I'm not seeing it.

most != all

Heck, I'd even be happier if they just turned it down a notch. Make the connection and then move on, rather than pushing it over and over again.

That wasn't really my point. Just seems odd to demand more good games. Even if he's only made two good games(I honestly have no idea, have never played even those two), that's still two more than most game designers.

I think he didn't count on people completely dismissing Garriot's point(that most designers are bad) because of who he is and what he's done, rather than what his point actually was.

Honestly, this would have been better without the constant Jurassic Park references. I liked the original gritty pokemon movie trailer better.

Honestly, if every game developer out there could manage *one* good game, I think we'd be a lot better off.

*This* is precisely why I'll never understand people's fascination with hypocrisy. Who the hell cares what games he has/hasn't made or what he's claiming about himself? I think most of us here can agree that there's a lot of shitty games being produced over and over again. And that could, very well, be caused by a

"Other than his good games, has he made any good games?"

Well, no. People are remarkably difficult to kill, and generally try to subvert any attempts on their lives that are made. An object capable of firing one(or many) metal projectile(s) at faster than the speed of sound is far more effective of a tool for doing so than most others as it's very difficult to dodge and can

Hammer of Testicles totally has to have a long e sound there.

This article wasn't just about a game involving killing of women. Straw man argument is a straw man argument.

Ya, I think the bigger issue here was less with killing females and more with the sexualization of most females you are tasked with killing coupled with the avoidance of any kind of sexualization of male characters.

Automatic rifles are illegal to own in the US(well, sorta. From my understanding, there's a national registry you have to register any automatic weapon with and they stopped allowing people to sign up, essentially banning automatic weapons).