
That's pretty reductionist logic. She pointed out two major series(which also happen to be the most popular/longest running game series in existence) in which the primary female character is, without fail, trapped or incapacitated in some way until she can be rescued by a strong male character who is never similarly

Problem: these choices are not actually as driven by market research as you seem to think. Most of them are based on performance of past games with both male and female leads. Which would be fine except that games with female leads tend to get FAR smaller marketing budgets(because publishers expect them to not do

It's worth noting that in the Legend of Zelda, Zelda is a princess(and a reincarnated goddess), and therefore expected to not take an active role in violence(though she sometimes does anyway as seen in the video in Wind Waker and also in Twilight Princess). While this obviously plays into the trope, in those games in

Well, as explained in the extended ending, the races of the galaxy rebuilt the Mass Relay system.

"Well surprise none of it matters no matter what you do in Mass Effect 3 you get the same red,blue or green ending, nothing of what you did mattered in the end."

Sorry, typed that too fast. Meant Joseph Smith...

On the other hand, it's pretty well equally believable, with the only detriments to said belief being an abundance of evidence(christianity being too old to have sufficient evidence)

I'm gonna guess worse, considering he/she likely has no issue with mormons marrying.

The biggest irony to me is the reason why. The vast majority of the reasons Mormonism is picked on so much is because of the abundance of evidence about Joseph Smith's life. We have court records and witness statements freely available showing the major issues with his stories. Ironically, the only way in which more

Well, I had a wedding that cost about what you're talking about, and there IS a point to it, but it's all about what your means are. We had the money to do it, and the things we spent the money on were important to us. We wanted really nice photography of a certain style, so that cost a lot. We also wanted a specific

"And many families INSIST upon being able to celebrate your wedding, and won't tolerate some kind of courthouse bullhonkery because they think it's "too important.""

I... what? First of all: live within your means. You can keep a wedding within virtually any budget and you probably shouldn't budget it such that you have to sell off things that are important to you.

Of course. How can you accomplish following the Golden Path without a Sweater Barn?

Well, ya, these are clearly post-Jihad Fremen. They're water-fat too.

Anti-gay hate IS a special problem right now(though that is changing) in that there's still a substantial number of people who view it as socially acceptable. Hell, the policies of this country(again, in the process of changing but not there yet) and the majority of states in it overtly treat homosexuals as second


OK, sure, but giving that opinion and the reasons behind it is generally the whole point to a review. These are less game reviews and more descriptions.

Hmm no mention of how good or bad a game is...

An arbitrary restriction on the number of music files you can have on the device, with advertising openly stating said restriction isn't there? Yes. That's news. Sorry it's news that looks bad for a device you like.

" You can only save 4,000 songs to use offline on your machine."