
"I don't think this is a good subject for a choose your adventure game"

It could be. It could also be a way for him to deal with how he's been feeling. It's simplified, sure, but it does force you to think of *why* you would want these people to live, and, thus, why you would want yourself to live.

Something like... what? Dealing with a difficult topic out in the open in an effort to get people to actually think about and deal with it?

Most game kickstarters include, as their lowest reward tier, a copy of the game. Also, note that most kickstarters are made precisely because the developer doesn't *have* the money needed to make the game.

Probably because in the real world, good and evil are gross oversimplifications. Some of these people who are "evil" just have deficiencies in their brains that twist what they believe and do. Those people should be treated so they can get better, rather than thrown in jail or executed; much in the same way we should

I'm gonna be honest: I read "That's like being shocked in finding out that your catholic friend" and my brain automatically filled in the rest as "raped young children"

Obviously I don't have as solid of information, but per wikipedia(see: and we're spending $768 billion on social security and it currently takes in $845 billion. Granted, those

And that still tends to break capitalism. Any intelligent, logical consumer will only support a product(in that they buy it), never a company. Buying a product because of some allegiance to the company, rather than because it's a good enough product to warrant a purchase is self-evidently illogical. The instant you

" if the government cut seven percent of its spending from its annual budget, the deficit would disappear in about a decade"

You can take screenshots of something cool you saw in game and send it to your friends through the Miiverse. Not too much different, really. Again, except images instead of video.

With the exception of video instead of screenshots, the Wii U does all of this.

I see what you're saying, but still think we should probably keep things to just the "at the end of the day" statement you have there. Even in situations where the person committed a crime, if they haven't hurt anyone going after them for the reason that they might hurt someone in the future is ethically troubling. My

Right, that goes for Dylan, himself as well. This seems like a massive overreaction hissy fit.

"Suck it up, and stop wining about how you arent getting what you think you deserve."

Black people make up ~10% of the population in the US. Women make up slightly more than 50%.

You're implying people should be jailed for crimes they'd probably commit at some point in the future? That sounds like an awfully big can of worms to open.

FBI commonly works with foreign law enforcement, especially around this kind of tech crime against the US or US companies.

You make it sound like he died. The guy had his assets temporarily seized pending an investigation and may face some jail time. It sucks, but his life is hardly over.

Right, I was aiming more towards state ownership, since that tends to be the form that works for nations. The others have, to use the cliche, too many fingers in the pie and degrade when used on that large of a level.

Ok. And? Success in capitalism imparts no moral or ethical good, and certainly not any form of infallibility. Supporting a company because it's successful is pointless. They already received the rewards for their success, in their success. Note that the OP never once attacked Sony, Nintendo or Microsoft for being