
"Socialism refers to an economic system characterised by social ownership of the means of production and co-operative management of the economy.[1] "Social ownership" may refer to cooperative enterprises, common ownership, state ownership, or citizen ownership of equity." (from

In general? I honestly have no idea. But it holds the Guinness Book world record for "First Console Kart Racing Game"

It's not explicitly. But there's exactly one producer in socialism: the central government. And you're expected to loyally use only products made by them. It's more of a side effect than an overt stance on the issue.

"Probably they want to let players use used games, but they are not sure and are resolving that"

Capitalism relies on consumers that critically evaluate every product, rather than being loyal to a given company and attempting to protect them from any criticism while attacking any competing product or anybody who likes said competing product. It's socialism that relies on people being loyal to a specific product

Humans are naturally grouping animals. We feel most comfortable as part of a group and will defend that group against competing ones. Just an unfortunate side effect of an evolutionary change.

Well, the Karting is probably included in the given as well... Unless Sony has been working on that game since the SNES days.

'Cuz $250 each.

Oh, ok, I see. So he's arguing that, because they're developing this game for 2 "underpowered" systems, why would they develop it for a slightly less "underpowered" system.

Right, because Blow has never sold a game he made before...

"the press is actually free and unbiased."

There's Prophet, who's your commanding officer in Crysis, Anderson, who's your commanding officer in Mass Effect, and Sgt. Johnson in Halo. Granted, none of them are playable, but Shepard also can be whatever race you want and there's no indication as to the race of John-117.

"the title will be out for Xbox 360, PS3"

At first, you're right, I relied on Frederick for everything. Then Virion became far and away my most powerful unit and I hit a few missions in a row filled to the brim with long range units(Fred is married to Lissa in my game) and had to bench him. When I reached one where it actually made sense to use Frederick

"What's unfortunate is that these developers don't take advantage of the medium's inherent strengths to explore nuanced and therefore 'worthwhile' depictions of sensitive subjects."


I've been playing FE: Awakening entirely in 3D. Makes it look better and I've never really had any problems with it so why not?

Heh, I use both constantly. I paired both with their obvious mates(Chrom and Virion), who both also happen to be some of my strongest characters(in Virion's case, the strongest of all). Sumia is pretty powerful at this point, as she got naturally leveled as I used her to quickly move Chrom about, and Sully has managed


Well, notably, Martin Short appears used the term "homicide rate", rather than specifying that it has to be gun related.