
Well, I'd say chances are roughly even, possibly slightly in his/her favor. If I can outrun him/her, then I'm pretty safe. If I'm strong/skilled enough to get the bat from him/her, then I'm REALLY safe. With a nuke, I'm just done, there's no way to do anything. With a gun, I stand slightly more of a chance, but just

Is that really true though? There's a hell of a lot of people in prison for attempted murder who stand against that argument.

Really? Because if someone comes at me with a baseball bat I stand half a chance of A: outrunning them or B: Running at them and disarming them, depending on their relative strength, skill and speed. If someone comes at me with an armed nuclear warhead, both me and the rest of whatever city I'm in is gonna die. No

Indeed I do! Thank you.

There was a game where you played as a bug that came with Mac's back in the early OSX days... can't remember the name of it.

My wife is Chinese-American and I have to agree. It's a bizarre concept and my wife(along with most Asian-American women I've met) is anything but subservient.

In fairness, my wife, who's of Chinese descent but was born in the US, constantly refers to white people as "Americans" and herself(and other Asian-Americans) as "Asian". Also, maybe his girlfriend really IS Asian and isn't a US citizen.

Welcome? It sounds like he's lived in "your" world for his whole life. Hell, he may have been living it longer than you have.

Well, even that can be easily explained. It was Shepard(and the human fleet) that stopped Sovereign from activating the Citadel. It was Shepard, again, who put a stop to the Collectors. Both of those only happened because the other races refused to take Shepard's word for it and didn't truly understand the threat the

"no particularly good reason was given for why Humans, other than Shepard, are more of a threat to the reapers and why they need to lead the fray against them when there are older, smarter and more savvy races in the universe, excluding the trilogy's merry band of supersoldiers of course"

I've honestly never had the slightest interest in watching people play games, so I can only draw from the evidence at hand, but it looks like, from the screenshots, that there ARE, indeed, men who also show their faces while playing a game. And I'm assuming they aren't all trying to be gaming sex icons?

"People watch girls to see their tots. The vast majority of female streamers get viewers because of their tits, not their play style. Regardless of their intention"

As far as I can figure there's two possible reasons to watch these feeds: 1) to watch the person. 2) to watch the gameplay. If you're an unattractive woman, nobody really wants to do #1(which would simply imply you aren't model material), so you better be good at generating #2.

"we expect people to be humble and we expect them to willingly do things 'out of love,' which apparently means also sacrifice. You can't care about money and be passionate, too. That'd make you a sell-out. That'd make you calculating. In this case, it'd make you a camwhore.

From his statement, I'm assuming that by "art" he means something that provides "an incredibly powerful and emotional experience"

Well, if he thought he was "doing it wrong", he'd probably try to change so that he wasn't doing it wrong anymore?

So I assume that if the Fett movie is between Empire and RotJ it'll include his run-in with Dash Rendar?

Ya! Just like how the fucked up The Avengers! Oh... wait...

Well, there was no confirmation, canonically, that Fett is dead. You see him fall into the Sarlacc pit and then it cuts scene and doesn't mention him again.

Of course, if you're an insulin company, other companies will vastly undercut that price and nobody will buy your product. What you'd be doing is only unethical in that it hurts yourself, as you'd quickly be driven out of business.