
Claiming that such a game reflects in some way on gaming as a whole(per his statement: "There's something wrong with a culture that entertains itself in such a way") is an inductive fallacy and is clearly disingenuous.

Ah, ok. Ya, I never meant to argue that we shouldn't learn about influential women, just that it makes sense that we'd learn and hear about fewer of them in general history if you take into account the relative number of influential women in history vs. the number of influential men(especially in the area of

Never underestimate people's ability to whip up a frenzy over a knee-jerk reaction to a small part of the idea behind something. For God's sake, a lot of the US banned Huckleberry Finn because *gasp* it included the forbidden 'n' word. And of course, nobody really cared about the context, or the fact that the word was

At the risk of the possibility of getting into an argument of back and forth "No it isn't!", I'm going to strongly disagree. There are plenty of examples of such women, but there are a massive number of such examples of men. Both are large enough you lose the concept of scope, but males would be far greater.

As a final thought: Your icon is incredibly appropriate to this conversation. For multiple reasons.

True. But then the question would be if either one could really claim to be "you" at all(or extend it to whether you now have any real claim to be the same you from 10 years ago).

Right, but in order to get that pattern, you need to acquire the information to produce it. Which requires either some kind of crazy behavioral pattern detection we can't even imagine right now or looking at the actual neurons in the brain.

"As opposed to the NRA guy, who is labeled a liar, disingenuous, gets quoted out of context, etc etc."

Right, and there *are* a few games that focus on heroines. The issue people have is that there are very few compared to the number of games that focus on male heros; but then historically there's a very small number of women compared to the number of men who do such things.

The movie "The Prestige" deals with that concept pretty well.

Well, sort of. As soon as the new "you" is created, their experiences are different as they obviously can't occupy the exact same space as the old you. The longer time goes on after their creation, the farther the two will get from being each other, as divergent experiences create two different people.

"Things start to get a bit more problematic with the rare earth ones, even uranium and beryllium, so each New-U station would have to have an "atoms stock" to be able to reconstruct a character."

Of course it is, this is an article on LaPierre's response. If you want the original article on the game, there's a link to it right there, practically the entire second half of the first sentence. Why would the author bother rehashing what was already said about it(specifically: "It's twisted. Made me want to take a

Umm, you do realize the difference between a massive organization with tremendous lobbying power and some random douche on the internet, yes? I tend to hold one of those to a higher standard; I'll let you guess which one.

Sorta. There's various sites that let you search through existing papers that come out of such studies. But if you aren't part of a college, they tend to cost $$$$.

Now, time to draw a picture of him getting shot, scan it and post it on the web. Maybe I can get him to declare that art should be banned.

"If a grown-ass man can't relate to a character because she if female, then it's his fault for having the socio-emotional maturity of a kindergartener, not the fault of the designers for not perpetuating sexist horseshit."

While I understand what you're trying to do, if you compiled such a list for similarly(or moreso) important men in US history, it'd be far longer. That's not to say it's because of the women, obviously. Society has been structured such that men are in the situation to accomplish the more incredible feats for thousands

Semi-off-topic, but read the Wheel of Time series. Strong female characters in roughly equal numbers to male ones.