
AC3: Liberation takes place between 1765-1777, so that'd make it late 18th century.

If you really want to use money as the guiding factor, then it should probably be how much the company actually made on the console, rather than just pure sales. In which case the Wii U comes even farther ahead, since each of those PS3's were sold at a loss.

"Easy way to do that? Play games, of course. "

Eh, and in conservative states we get laws banning people from marrying who they choose because it offends God, preventing loving families from adopting children because of their sexual orientation, using the sale of license plates to fund fundamentalist religious centers whose sole purpose is to do whatever they can,

Right. Price is an important part in terms of defining a product. Not sure why people seem to think that changes or excuses anything...

Eh, the PS3 was in stock pretty much everywhere within a couple weeks. The first rush was mostly people trying to sell it on ebay, and then everyone figured out that nobody wanted the thing and we ended up with the PS3 where it was for a long while.

I have no problem with new technology, and for the record, I think Windows 8 is fine for tablets(well, aside from the stop-gap ye olde desktop still existing). The issue here is forcing an interface to a control scheme for which it is not sub-optimal.

"as Linux has no support and never will."

"You're going to tell them that they need an extra PC, one that they have to install a separate OS on, so they can play games on their TV?"

I have... You're saying that if I plug a mouse into a windows 8 machine, the entire metro interface is gone and it boots to the desktop?

Five or Six weeks? But wait... the pro-choicers told me we aren't even people during that time.

That... wasn't my point.

That's only if you assume the player is completely clueless and not paying attention to anything that's going on other than "ooh look, that thing moving, shoot it!"

For the first, it was a response to his statement of the original intent of the law, rather than something in the wording of it.

You're *supposed* to feel uncomfortable with it. That's part of the whole point; to make the player painfully aware of the type of brutality they spend the rest of the game fighting against.

"The Second Amendment is the right to keep and bear arms—that means weapons. That means we should have the right to have assault weapons, high capacity magazines, and whatever"

Of course, in the late 18th century, muskets WERE military-grade assault weaponry.

"The second amendment is to protect us from a tyrannical government."

I've never heard the second argument. Ever.

I... um.... Okay.