
Exactly what I said. They took Snow White, and changed the story into that of Princess Mononoke because ????

Here's the thing: touchscreens are great for small, handheld devices, which is why they're largely used on small, handheld devices. When you play games on your TV, are you going to get up off the couch, walk over to the TV and start manipulating it that way? How 'bout on your desktop monitor?

That movie was such a blatant ripoff of princess mononoke.

"In Lost, nothing got answered."

Makes sense. Desmond was the single best character.

3? Hell, I'm still waiting for Opposing Force *2*

Oh, I agree completely. It was ridiculous, and ignored the entire point behind "acting", which is pretending to be somebody you aren't.

The AC series seems to have gotten off pretty easy, despite having a Middle Easterner, 1/2 Native American, a Black Woman(admittedly some fall out there for casting a white woman for the voice), and, of course, Desmond who is of non-established-but-clearly-not-fully-white origin.

This is slightly confusing... how many straight, white, male, young gamers do you really think identify with a bald space marine(ignoring the whole space part, obviously)? Outside the military and those who are massively into body building, I kinda doubt much of anybody looks at Marcus Fenix and thinks "oh, ya, I'm

Wait... Master Chief is bald?

His voice is too damn high.

My first thought as well.

He seriously needs his own game. Nintendo will be pretty foolish if they let this one go; it's a chance to make a brand new IP that everybody is already in love with.

Actually, HE is right. A copyright violation is a copyright violation completely regardless and independent of any money made. If you make no money off of it, it's equally legal(or illegal) as if you make $3 bajillion off it.

Well, sure, that's a possibility too. They're statements overtly say my version, but the cynics in the audience can feel free to apply yours(not saying you're wrong).

From the sound of it, it's 100% finished in that they can(and will, if they can't get the funding via kickstarter) release what they have right now. But they'd like to, and think the fans might also want them to, add more.

The lack of interesting IP's has very little to do with the number of consoles on the market. The problem is that we have a very few successful publishers left who seem to live/die based on every single individual release doing well. They can't afford flops so they refuse to release anything remotely risky.

I'm not sure where I implied I'm, in any way, butthurt.

Man, being a consumer who has to choose between several products is HARD. I wish someone would just tell me what to buy, so I can go on with my mindless zombie-like existence!